Course Code
PY 3002
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr D Scott and Dr S Gray


BI 20B2 and BI 25B2.


BM 3006 or SR 3001.


The practical work required in this course may pose difficulties to some students with disabilities. If this arises alternative arrangements will be made. Any student wishing to discuss this further should contact the School Disability Co-ordinator.


This course takes the integrative function of major organ systems as its main theme. We begin by considering the scientific method in physiology and how the human body copes with the challenges of maintaining homeostasis. We then focus on three specific organ systems - the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems. The student will learn how these systems function during health and disease, and how they interact with one another. Special emphasis is placed on the measurement of organ function and pathophysiology. Instruction is also provided in experimental design and measurement of cardiorespiratory variables. Lecture and case-study material is accompanied by use of the microcomputer in data capture and analysis and a problem-solving project. The course consists of 4 lectures and 1 project/laboratory session per week, and is examined by continuous assessment of course work and a 3-hour written exam.

PLEASE NOTE: The lecture content and continuous assessment components of PY 3002 have changed slightly as of academic year 2005/06.


12 week course - 4 one-hour lectures per week, 1 four-to-eight-hour project/laboratory session per week.


1st Attempt: 1 three-hour written examination (67%), and in-course assessment based on research project, case studies and practicals (33%).