Course Code
BI 1507
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr K Shennan & Dr A Carrington




"The Cell" will examine the fundamental structures of the cell that determine its properties using examples drawn from microorganisms, animals and plants. It will also introduce fundamentals of the molecules that are central to these structures and will explain the core biochemistry of some of these processes at an appropriate level of detail. After an initial consideration of the properties of cells, you will investigate how the variety seen in cell types is actually based on common designs and structures. You will learn about the different classes of biological molecules, their roles in the cell and how they are made. You will also consider how specialised structures are needed to achieve different biological processes. You will investigate how cells grow and divide and how cell death is an important process in the organisation of cells into tissues. The module takes an integrated approach to the study of these processes, involving a broad view across the whole range of living organisms.


12 weeks - 4 one-hour lectures per week and one three-hour practical class every other week.

To pass this course a pass must be achieved in BOTH the theory exam and the in-course assessment.


1st Attempt: 1 two-hour MCQ examination (60%) and in-course assessment (40%).

Resit: A resit exam, in the same format as the main exam. This may contain material from both the practical and lecture components of the course.