- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr D R Green (and others)
At least two of: MR 2502, MR 2505, GG 2003, GG 2004, GG 2504, GG 2505. Available only to students in Programme Year 4.
To develop a wider knowledge, understanding, and appreciation for past, present, and future issues that face coastal communities around the world.
A selection of the most important past, present and future coastal and marine issues facing society around the world will be explored by staff and students. Some typical examples might be: the impact of sea level rise and climate change on coastal communities around the world; coastal disasters such as hurricanes and tsunami on coastal settlements eg, New Orleans, Indonesia; current technologies for monitoring, mapping and modelling the marine and coastal environment; renewable energies such as wind and wave power and their impact on the environment; the environmental impact of offshore gas and oil exploration activities and the development of future unmanned platforms; tools for the effective management of the coast eg, Marine Spatial Planning (MSP); implementing European legislation eg, the Water Framework Directive; the role of coastal fora in management of the UK coast; capacity building in ICZM; the sustainable coast; the role of European funding projects in the future of coastal management; implementing a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for data collection and sharing; linking science and policy, etc.
Introductory lectures to guide independent study, plus seminars (four in total) with student presentations. Additional sessions may be arranged and guest speakers brought in to support some topics.
1st Attempt: In-course assessment: 3 short essays/reports (60%) and 1 seminar presentation (40%).
Resit: No resit possible.