- Credit Points
- 30
- Course Coordinator
- Dr W D McCausland
EC 2502
This course will be available in 2008/09 and in alternate sessions thereafter.
This course covers both international trade and international money.
The first part of the course analyses international trade flows in perfectly competitive markets based on differences in technology (classical trade) or factor abundance (neoclassical trade), including the distributional and welfare implications of trade policy.
The analysis of international trade then continues by investigating the impact of imperfect competition, economies of scale and product differentiation (new trade), including strategic trade policy. Selected aspects of applied trade policy are also investigated.
The second part of the course begins by reviewing basic concepts in international money and then overviews various exchange rate theories, including the Dornbusch overshooting model. The analysis of international money then continues by examining the policy framework - looking at the objectives, targets and instruments of international monetary policy, including target zones and financial crises.
Up to 3 hours of lectures per week and 8 seminars.
1st Attempt: 1 three-hour examination (80%) and in-course assessment (20%).
Resit: 1 three-hour examination (80%) and in-course assessment (20%).