Course Code
PY 4302
Credit Points
Course Coordinator
Dr A M Rajnicek


BM 3006


A major focus of the course is the substantial degree of “plasticity” which occurs in the development of the nervous and muscular systems and in the mechanisms governing transmission between these two tissues. The basic cell biology of the developing nervous system is explored. Topics covered include: what initiates nervous system formation, how do nerves grow, how do they move, how do they transport materials over long distances intracellularly, how do they communicate with each other, what environmental signals regulate these activities and how and what happens when these tissues are damaged and are required to regenerate? Emerging technologies for studying nervous system development and repair are also explored.


3 one-hour lectures per week, 1 one-hour seminar, 1 two-hour laboratory demonstration over 6 weeks.


1st Attempt: 1 two-hour written examination paper (80%) and in-course assessment - essay (20%).

Resit (for Honours students only): Candidates achieving a CAS mark of 6-8 may be awarded compensatory level 1 credit. Candidates achieving a CAS mark of less than 6 will be required to submit themselves for re-assessment and should contact the Course Co-ordinator for further details.