- Course Code
- BI 20A1
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr T Stuchbury
Composition of foodstuffs and their suitability for use in farm animal, companion animal and human diets. Digestion and utilisation of foodstuffs. Factors affecting palatability and intake. The relationship between diet and health. Evaluation of diets. Dietary selection, rationing and feed formulation. Food processing and nutritional value. The importance of balancing nutrient intake with requirements will be covered in the context of human and animal health and welfare. Students will monitor their food intake for four days and calculate their intakes of energy and macro and micro-nutrients.
A series of CAL sessions relating to measurement of food intake (20% of assessment) and completion of short answer questionnaire (10%).
12 weeks - Three one-hour lectures per week and computing sessions.
1st Attempt: Two hour written exam (70%) and in-course assessment (30%).
Resit:A resit exam, in the same format as the main exam.