For Level 1 and 2 courses, please refer to entries under Biology
Level 3
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr D Heddle and Dr L R Noble
BI 2002
(i) This course extends over 6 weeks only.
(ii) Available only to students in programme year 3 or above.
An overview of current evolutionary theory and its development, and of the principles of biodiversity. Topics include the origin of life, ecological and molecular genetics, natural selection, species and speciation, the fossil record and macroevolution, modern taxonomy and systematics, human evolution, the conservation of biodiversity, and related areas.
Thread I: 6 week course,5 lectures per week, 6 hours of tutorials/practicals/seminars per week.
1 three-hour written examination (50%) and continuous assessment (50%). Oral examination for borderline candidates.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr P J Fraser
BI 20Z1, BI 25Z1.
This course covers the physiological mechanisms animals have evolved to cope with different environments. Particular topics are Hormones and the Environment; Vision and chemoreception and the environment; Thermoregulation; Osmoregulation ; Interelationships between nutrition, infection and immunity.
Thread I 6 week course 5 hours lectures and 3 hours practicals per week.
1 three-hour writtent examination (60%) and continuous assessment (40%). Oral examination for borderline candidates.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr X Lambin
BI 2001
This course deals with the basic ecological theory and mathematical modelling approaches required to study animal population dynamics, especially those populations which have importance for consideration, management and exploitation. The formal tools used to describe population change in continuous and fragmented populations are explored. The complexity of reproductive strategies found in the animal kingdom as well as their implication for harvesting of species are presented.
6 week course- 2 two-hour lectures per week, 2 one-hour lectures per week, 4 three-hour practicals over 6 weeks.
Thread II: 1 three-hour written examination (50%) and continuous assessment (50%). Oral examination for borderline candidates.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr I J Patterson
BI 1003
(i) This course extends over 6 weeks only.
(ii) Available only to students in programme year 3 or above.
Introduction to the study of animal behaviour: external stimuli and perception, use of stimuli in orientation and navigation, signals and communication, chemical stimuli; internal states, especially hormonal effects on behaviour; motivation and conflict; rhythmic occurrence of behaviour; development of behaviour in the individual, genetic influence, learning; functional aspects of behaviour, behavioural ecology; evolution of behaviour; the ethological approach to human behaviour.
6 week course - 5 one-hour lectures, 1 one-hour tutorial and 1 three-hour laboratory per week.
Thread II: 1 three-hour written examination (60%), assessment of practical reports (25%), essay (15%). Oral examination for borderline candidates.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Professor P R Boyle
MR 1505 or BI 2001 or BI 20Z1 or BI 25Z1 or BI 25Z2.
(i) This course extends over 6 weeks only.
(ii) Available only to students in programme year 3 or above.
The course covers the main features of ocean circulation; their links to atmospheric and terrestrial processes; the interactions between the physical and chemical environment and biological processes in the sea; the elements of the littoral and coastal ecology of the temperate shelf marine environment; the special faunas of the plankton and the deep sea environments; and the characteristic features of tropical and polar seas.
6 week course - 5 one-hour lectures, 1 six hour laboratory or field session per week.
Thread I: 1 three-hour written examination (60%), assessment of laboratory work (40%). Oral examination of borderline candidates.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr D Heddle
MR 1008 or MR 1510 or BI 2001 or BI 20Z1 or BI 25ZI or BI 25Z3.
(i) This course extends over 6 weeks only.
(ii) Available only to students in programme year 3 or above.
The aim is to present aspects of marine and freshwater biology with a particular emphasis on matters of practical application. An understanding of freshwater ecosystems is developed through the study of their hydrology and chemistry and the biology of the fauna and flora. Conservation, pollution, fish and fisheries, whaling and aqauculture are among the topics discussed in this course, which deals with the impact of man on aquatic environments.
6 week course – 5 one-hour lectures and six hours of practicals/field-sessions/seminars per week.
Thread I: 1 three-hour written examination (60%) and continuous assessment (40%). Oral examination for borderline candidates.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr P F Billingsley
BI 25Z1, BI 2504, BI 25A2.
The aim of this course is to provide a thorough overview of the principles of infectious diseases affecting man and animals. Lectures will cover principles of infection, epidemiology, zoonoses, control strategies, notifiable diseases and their containment, and vector borne disease. Lectures rely heavily on specific examples of the major groups of infectious organisms that, in part, reflect the interests of the team.
36 one-hour lectures; 5 six hour practicals; 1 four hour poster session
1 two-hour written examination (50%); poster presentation (15%); continuous assessment (35%). Interviews will be conducted for borderline cases.
Level 4
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr M L Gorman and Dr J Sternberg
Available only to those taking one of the Zoology Honours Degrees.
An independent review essay chosen from a list made available by the Zoology Department and which will change from year to year. A member of staff will provide guidance.
12 week course - Independent work with guidance by a member of staff.
Evaluation of the essay by two examiners.
- Credit Points
- 30
- Course Coordinator
- Dr M L Gorman and Dr J Sternberg
Available only to those taking one of the Zoology Honours Degrees.
An independent research project, under the supervision of a member of staff. The candidate is required to deliver a short seminar on the results of the work and to submit a thesis.
Independent work.
Evaluation of the thesis and seminar and an oral examination.
- Credit Points
- 30
- Course Coordinator
- Dr M L Gorman and Dr J Sternberg
Available only to those taking one of the Zoology Honours Degrees.
Lectures on preparing for thesis work, debates on current issues in biology, authoring for the internet, statistics and data analysis, careers advice, use of library facilities, abstracting skills and data interpretation, recent topics in zoology, a residential course on team work, departmental seminars, the classification of the animal kingdom, dissection techniques.
A timetable is issued at the beginning of the first semester.
1 three-hour written examination (33%), 1 three-hour practical examination (33%) and continuous assessment (33%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Professor P R Boyle
ZO 3504
This course deals with the current advances in Marine and Fisheries science, including the application of ecosystems and food web approaches, marine mammal ecology and cephalopod biology.
Thread II: 6 week course - 3 two-hour lecture sessions/week.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Professor C J Secombes
IM 3802
This six week lecture course will cover advanced aspects of fundamental and applied immunology, and will assume a basic knowledge of the immune response. The lecture topics include: killing mechanisms of leucocytes, immunity to tumours, infection and immunity against parasites, advanced transplantation and immune responses to self and altered self (autoimmunity). Demonstrations of specialised assays and equipment relevant to the lecture topics will be given. Part of this course will be based at the Medical School with contributions from the Departments of Medicine & Therapeutics, Ophthalmology and Surgery. Students will present a prepared seminar as part of the course.
Thread I: 6 week course - 4 one-hour lectures per week, and additional practicals/demonstration.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr M L Gorman and Dr J Sternberg
Only available to students in programme year 4 taking the Mathematics-Zoology Degree.
An independent review essay chosen from a list made available by the Zoology Department and which will change from year to year. A member of staff will provide guidance.
Independent work with guidance by a member of staff.
Evaluation of the essay by two examiners.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr A J Mordue
BI 25Z1 or ZO 3807
Available only to students in programme year 4.
An introductory lecture discussion session of 1-2 hours will describe a given research topic in vector biology. Topics will range across the breadth of subjects covered by disease transmission, physiology, ecology and resistance of vectors including molecular approaches and will draw attention to 3-5 recent research articles. These same articles are given to the students for reading and are discussed the following week in tutorial format.
Thread II: 4 one-hour lectures; 2 hour tutorial per week.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr X Lambin
ZO 3301
The course deals with the concepts and practice of wildlife population conservation and management, including methods to access population size, demographic rates and how to use this information to assess the viability of animal populations. The course will consider how to manage wildlife populations that either represent a resource (such as red deer and red grouse), a potential competitor (such as grey seals) are threatened (such as water voles, fresh water pearl mussels) or are a pest species. Other issues raised in the course include how scientists estimate the size of populations and whether they increase or decrease? Why do populations decline? Is poor breeding success or declining survival causing the decline of song trush populations? Will intensively managed sanctuaries for water voles prevent the decline of this species?
Thread I: 6 week course - 2 two-hour lectures/seminars per week and 3 three-hour practicals.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Professor P A Racey
Available only to students in Programme Year 4.
Principles of Conservation Biology and how they are reflected in policy and practice. Different approaches to establishing priorities for conservation by governments (with reference to WSSC) and NGOs (comparing WWF's Ecoregions with CI's hotspots and WCS's landscape approaches). Assessment of Diamond's Evil Quartet and counter measures with particular relevance to the Bushmeat trade and invasive species. The use of molecular genetic techniques in conservation biology. Community-based approaches to conservation. Case studies will be presented by University and Research Institute staff.
Thread II: 2 two-hour lectures per week, 3 hours of guest lecturers per week, 2 hours of student presentations per week.
1 two-hour written exam.
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr J M Sternberg
ZO 3807
This course will address modern aspects of parasitology, primarily in the context of human parasitic disease.Tropical parasitisms will be discussed in depth along with current control programmes such as that of the WHO. The course will then consider recent developments and future prospects in parasite diagnosis, chemotherapy and vaccine design.
Thread I: 6 week course - 4 two-hour lectures per week.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr P J Fraser
Marine Biology background preferred. This course is open to Level 4 students who have, in the opinion of their adviser, the necessary background.
Introduces current research on bioluminescence, seal and dolphin behavioural ecology with emphasis on diving, disease, feeding and lactation, and low and high hydrostatic pressure effects on marine animals.
Thread II: 6 week course - 4 one-hour lectures per week. 2 one-hour Tutorials per week. 3 hour literature searches expected by students to expand lecture material per week.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr A J Mordue
Available to level 4 students of Zoology, Biology and other Biological Sciences.
This course will introduce ethical thinking into the pursuit of science, particularly relating to biological issues. The nature of science, its role in culture and society, ethics and ethical debate will be considered. The view will be taken that scientists cannot distance themselves from the wider implications of their work. Lectures, discussions, case studies, posters will be used to debate current ethical topics, such as the ethics of animal research, xenotransplantion, genetic screening, etc.
Thread I: 6 week course - 2 two-hour lectures; 1 three-hour seminar/tutorial/practical per week.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).
- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Dr I J Patterson
ZO 3301 or ZO 3501.
This course will cover ecological and evolutionary aspects of animal behaviour; foraging and predation; mate choice; mating systems; parental behaviour; conflicts; games theory; social behaviour and limitation of population density. There is one practical session.
Thread I: 6 week course - 2 two-hour lectures/discussions per week.
1 three-hour written examination (100%).