- Credit Points
- 15
- Course Coordinator
- Ms Elaine Cameron
KL 1010 and KL 1510 or equivalent.
The objective of Counselling Skills 3 is to review and consolidate previous learning whilst going on to look at alternative counselling skills approaches in greater depth. The five elements of theory, skills practice, professional development, personal development, and self-assessment, will run concurrently in this course. Theoretical work will involve a detailed look at other counselling approaches from the humanist, cognitive, behavioural and analytic traditions. Focusing on the person-centred approach, the course will develop an understanding of congruence and authenticity. Attention will be given to the beginning, middle and end stages in the helping process. The practical element will involve integrating theory and practice with the development of congruence. The professional element will entail discussion of values, specifically those connected with race, culture, gender and sexual orientation. The way in which client issues impinge on the helper will be investigated, and a diary will be used for personal assessment.
Weekly seminars in addition to private study with learning support materials.
Continuous assessment: essay (25%); learning log (25%); oral assessment (50%) [divided between practice 25% and participation/attendance 25%]. Candidates should note that to achieve credit for the course overall, a pass in the practice element is required. This tests whether candidates have sufficiently deep understanding of theory to be able to apply it to practice.