- Credit Points
- 30
- Course Coordinator
- Mrs L M Stephen
Available only to students on the PGCE (Secondary) programme.
Learning & Teaching in Secondary Schools, Secondary School Experience 1(SE1), Secondary School Experience 2(SE2), Secondary School Experience 3(SE3).
This course includes:
- a critical awareness of the principles and practices of social justice, inclusion, equality and democracy, strategies to counter discrimination;
- professional insights into the wide range of teaching strategies that recognise and value diversity, maintain high expectations and enable all pupils to reach their full potential;
- detailed knowledge and understanding of Scottish Education, learning and child development, curriculum and assessment and the wider role of the teacher in a secondary school;
- understanding and synthesis of models of professional development.
There is a core component that includes ICT support tutorials and a Specialist Professional Topic chosen from a given menu. Students are expected to engage with and reflect on relevant theories and research to consolidate their professionalism.
Core: 4x1 hour lectures, 2x1 hour tutorials (Induction days)
Core: 2x1 hour lectures (Monday at 9 and 10 for 11 weeks)
Core: 1x1-hour tutorials (Monday at 12 for 11 weeks)
Core: 1x1 hour lecture (Monday at 9 for 12 weeks)
Core: 1x2 hour tutorial (Monday at 10 for 2 weeks)
Core: 1x3 hour seminar (Monday at 9 for 2 weeks)
Support: 4x1 hour support tutorials (Monday p.m. in first 6 weeks)
Elective: 1x2 hour tutorial/seminar (Mondays for next 10 weeks)
Continuous assessment (100%).