Last modified: 23 Jul 2024 11:02
A general engineering course that provides an insight into the principles of engineering design process, computer programming in MATLAB and its application in parametric study and basic design optimisation, environmental ethics and sustainability in the context of design, and Computer Aided Design (CAD) using Solidworks. The course also includes hands-on exercises on the manufacture of simple parts using a variety of machine tools and joining processes.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 2 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The course has multiple components:
Engineering Design: Principles of product specification and engineering design process and procedures. Product specifications within the confines of customer requirements, fit-for-purpose, quality and cost effective production. Conceptual design process, multicriteria design candidate assessment, design enhancement.
Ethics, Environment and Sustainability: This element of the course deals with environmental ethics and sustainability. It starts by looking at the essential resources provided by the earth such as fossil fuels, minerals, food and water; students are asked to consider whether or not we are likely to run out of anything. One natural resource is examined in more depth as a case study. Students are asked to consider whether economic growth will make things worse. Students will finish this element of the course by examining the subject of waste minimisation and recycling.
Computer Programming: Knowledge of MATLAB as engineering analysis tool is developed through lectures and practical sessions. Application of computer programming are exercised for a number of simple design problems with elements of parametric studies and basic optimisation.
Solid Modelling: Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering CAE and Computer Aided Design CAD. Further development of solid modelling and engineering drawing skills through hands-on experience of using SolidWorks. Extended design exercise involving the use of SolidWorks to produce precise and accurate drawings from written specification taking account of the limitations of the manufacturing process.
Information Skills: Students develop information skills that will support them through Levels 2-5 for assignments and dissertations, refresh Level 1 skills in relation to use of ebook collections, go beyond Google and Google Scholar to use more efficient and effective tools in support of academic work e.g. Scopus database, be reminded of the importance of correct citing/referencing and advised on useful reference management tools. Students will complete an individual exercise at the end of the workshop.
Workshop Practice: Hands-on exercises on the manufacture of simple parts using a variety of machine tools and joining processes.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 50 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 25 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 10 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 15 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
There are no assessments for this course.
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Factual | Remember | ILO’s for this course are available in the course guide. |
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