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Last modified: 23 Jul 2024 10:44

Course Overview

Two quotes provide an overarching provocation for this course:  

 ‘Every Community Musician believes they invented Community Music’ (Imry 2013, cited in Camlin 2015)

‘Good intentions are not enough to avoid bad results when you make art with people‘ (Matarasso 2019) 

This course is designed to explore and challenge what community music is and can be, and what it potentially means to each of us as individuals. Using the two provocations above as well as Kushner Walker and Tarr’s 2001 Publication Case Studies and Issues in Community Music the course will explore the practice of Community Music through rigorous academic study, and practice through observation and participatory lenses.

The second semester of this year long course is run in collaboration with the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the European University of Cyprus. This collaboration allows the study of community music internationally.

Course Details

Study Type Undergraduate Level 3
Term Full Year Credit Points 30 credits (15 ECTS credits)
Campus Aberdeen Sustained Study No
  • Mr Christopher Gray

What courses & programmes must have been taken before this course?

  • Any Undergraduate Programme (Studied)
  • Programme Level 3

What other courses must be taken with this course?


What courses cannot be taken with this course?


Are there a limited number of places available?


Course Description

The student experience is built around a participatory approach to learning and teaching, incorporating contact time with lecturers (lectures, seminars and workshops), as well as undertaking 30hrs of self-directed community-based learning.

Throughout the course students will be asked to undertake a variety of formative tasks including self-directed research, reading, reflection and writing, as well as practical activities and online collaborations. 

Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

Oral Presentation: Individual

Assessment Type Summative Weighting 60
Assessment Weeks 40,41 Feedback Weeks 43,44

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Length: approx. 25 mins


Extensive written feedback will be provided via MyAberdeen.

Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ConceptualApplyApply knowledge, skills and understanding by using a range of the professional skills and practices associated with the field of community music through routine methods of enquiry and research.
ProceduralAnalyseDemonstrate and work with an understanding of the scope and defining features of the Community Music field and an integrated knowledge of its main areas and boundaries.
ReflectionApplyDemonstrate how the Community Musician applies a critical understanding of theories, concepts and principles in a range of community and educational settings.
ReflectionEvaluateThe ability to articulate an understanding of defining features of this course’s content within Community Music Practice.
ReflectionEvaluateExercise autonomy and initiative in some activities at a professional level in preparing for practice.


Assessment Type Summative Weighting 40
Assessment Weeks 19,20 Feedback Weeks 22,23

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Word Count: 2,500

Extensive written feedback will be provided via MyAberdeen.

Word Count 2500
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ConceptualApplyApply knowledge, skills and understanding by using a range of the professional skills and practices associated with the field of community music through routine methods of enquiry and research.
ProceduralAnalyseDemonstrate and work with an understanding of the scope and defining features of the Community Music field and an integrated knowledge of its main areas and boundaries.
ReflectionApplyDemonstrate how the Community Musician applies a critical understanding of theories, concepts and principles in a range of community and educational settings.
ReflectionEvaluateThe ability to articulate an understanding of defining features of this course’s content within Community Music Practice.
ReflectionEvaluateExercise autonomy and initiative in some activities at a professional level in preparing for practice.

Formative Assessment

There are no assessments for this course.

Resit Assessments


Assessment Type Summative Weighting 100
Assessment Weeks 49 Feedback Weeks 50,51

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Word count: 6,000

Extensive written feedback will be provided via MyAberdeen.

Word Count 6000
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
Sorry, we don't have this information available just now. Please check the course guide on MyAberdeen or with the Course Coordinator

Course Learning Outcomes

Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
ReflectionApplyDemonstrate how the Community Musician applies a critical understanding of theories, concepts and principles in a range of community and educational settings.
ProceduralAnalyseDemonstrate and work with an understanding of the scope and defining features of the Community Music field and an integrated knowledge of its main areas and boundaries.
ConceptualApplyApply knowledge, skills and understanding by using a range of the professional skills and practices associated with the field of community music through routine methods of enquiry and research.
ReflectionEvaluateExercise autonomy and initiative in some activities at a professional level in preparing for practice.
ReflectionEvaluateThe ability to articulate an understanding of defining features of this course’s content within Community Music Practice.

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