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SO3069: MODERNIZATION (2021-2022)

Last modified: 31 May 2022 13:05

Course Overview

The course uses the changes in the nature and power of religion brought by industrialization to examine modernization. The shift from imposed communal faith to free choice in a diverse market is used to illustrate and explain social differentiation, egalitarianism, individualism, social cohesion, community, association, immigration, conversion, trust, social influence, recruitment, gender, and cultural defence.

Course Details

Study Type Undergraduate Level 3
Term First Term Credit Points 30 credits (15 ECTS credits)
Campus Aberdeen Sustained Study No
  • Professor Steve Bruce

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What courses cannot be taken with this course?

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Course Description

The industrialization of the West brought characteristics that are explored by considering how the nature and power of religion changed with modernization. What was once imposed on entire societies became voluntary, which stripped religion of communal power. The state’s increasing neutrality allowed innovations to proliferate but none prospered. The course uses secularization to examine modernization through such notions as social differentiation, individualism, social cohesion, community versus voluntary association, immigration, conversion, trust, social influence, recruitment, gender, and cultural defence.

Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

Alternative Assessment

4 Essays - 25% each

Alternative Resit Assessment

Resubmission of essay/s as appropriate.

Formative Assessment

There are no assessments for this course.

Course Learning Outcomes

Knowledge LevelThinking SkillOutcome
FactualRememberAs a result of this course students will be familiar with 10 new works of Sociology
ConceptualUnderstandAs a result of this course students better understand how theory, methods and empirical data are interrelated in Sociological studies
ConceptualAnalyseAs a result of this course students will learn to critically assess how theory, methods and empirical data are interrelated in 10 specific Sociological studies.
ConceptualEvaluateAs a result of this course students will be able to think creatively about the relationship between theory and methods in the field of Sociology and society more broadly.
ConceptualCreateAs a result of this course students will be better prepared to conduct their own 4th year dissertations.

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