Last modified: 31 May 2022 13:05
This course provides a range of learning contexts, delivered both through network days and online learning, to acquire knowledge and understanding of current issues in Scottish Education relevant to Early/First level.
Students will engage with educational theory, policy and literature in order to further underpin the development of professional practice.
This course will support students to develop the skills required to engage with practitioner research and enquiry.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 4 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 100 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
Feedback | Word Count | 3000 |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
There are no assessments for this course.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 100 | |
Assessment Weeks | 24 | Feedback Weeks | 26 | |
Feedback | Word Count | 3000 |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Conceptual | Evaluate | • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of national policies and priorities relevant to the Early/First Level classroom |
Procedural | Evaluate | • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the professional values, skills, abilities and challenges relevant to teaching at Early/First Level |
Conceptual | Apply | Reflect, evaluate and respond to knowledge and understanding of early years’ pedagogical theories and child development |
Procedural | Analyse | Support practice through engagement with assessment data in order to inform next steps in teaching |
Reflection | Apply | Demonstrate the application of skills which support practitioner research and enquiry |
Reflection | Create | Demonstrate commitment to professional reflection in order to support lifelong learning |
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