Last modified: 25 Sep 2019 09:58
One of the aims of the course is to understand the mathematical concept of curvature. We will do this by first studying the geometry of polygonal surfaces, and then by looking at smooth surfaces in Euclidean space.
Polygonal surfaces provide a set of very easy examples with which we can explore the new ideas and quantities. They also allow us to develop the intuition needed in the later part of the course.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 4 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The geometry of polygonal complexes; manifolds, curves on manifolds, vector fields, simple mechanical systems, Riemannian metric, geodesics, curvature; examples from modern physics.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 80 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 20 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
There are no assessments for this course.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | ||
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
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