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Undergraduate Microbiology 2018-2019


30 credits

Level 3

Second Term

  • this course provides core information to prepare you for advanced studies in the areas of molecular microbiology and infectious diseases;
  • in depth knowledge will be provided for the advanced study of microbes and their impact on all areas of life and society;
  • you will participate in a practical that provides you with an insight into a real-life research project providing skills in experimental design, data analysis, practical laboratory skills and research publication;
  • wider transferrable skills including problem solving and data interpretation are aimed at developing graduate attributes and employability 


15 credits

Level 4

First Term

  • a course detailing how microbial pathogenesis has evolved, and the nature of pathogenicity factors in bacterial and fungal pathogens;
  • a course in which lecture material is supported by bioinformatic workshops and individual presentations – your chance to team-work, problem-solve and ask questions; 
  • contains an bioinformatic research practical in which you study the genome structure of pairs of bacterial species, a pathogen, and a closely-related non-pathogen. This includes a presentation workshop where you will describe the outcome of your genome analysis and literature research; 
  • incorporates lectures detailing the evolution of fungal and bacterial pathogenicity factors, and their diagnosis in the hospital laboratory


15 credits

Level 4

First Term

  • understanding the fundamental processes of microbial infections of animals and plants; 
  • this course provides detailed information on cellular & molecular processes that determine successful infection strategies of fungi, oomycetes, bacteria; 
  • this advanced course also informs you about microbe-host interactions, microbial stress adaptation, disease control and host resistance strategies; 
  • you will give a small presentation and participate in tutorials discussing microbial infection strategies based on research papers, which will help prepare you for your final exams


60 credits

Level 4

Second Term

  • Final year Honours projects offer an excellent opportunity to carry out cutting-edge literature or lab-based scientific research
  • With projects from disciplines throughout the School of Medicine, Medical Science and Nutrition to choose from, this is a opening to follow your interests working with staff and leading researchers
  • Projects form the zenith of your degree and fosters development of the skills and knowledge gained throughout your degree, as well as heightening analytical and critical thinking abilities
  • The opportunity to be part of novel, yet-to-be published research projects can be career-defining, and provides experience to prepare you for the future.


60 credits

Level 4

Second Term

  • Final year Honours projects offer an excellent opportunity to carry out cutting-edge literature or lab-based scientific research
  • With projects from disciplines throughout the School of Medicine, Medical Science and Nutrition to choose from, this is a opening to follow your interests working with staff and leading researchers
  • Projects form the zenith of your degree and fosters development of the skills and knowledge gained throughout your degree, as well as heightening analytical and critical thinking abilities
  • The opportunity to be part of novel, yet-to-be published research projects can be career-defining, and provides experience to prepare you for the future.

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