Last modified: 27 Feb 2018 20:28
This ten week course will focus on the work ONE selected composer in the Western art music tradition. It is intended to provide a space in the curriculum where students can have time to consider the work of the selected composer in significant depth and breadth. The selected composer will vary from year to year depending on expertise of the staff member teaching the course. Key musical works will be explored and the approach taken will vary in relation to the repertoire that is studied. Courses will mix aspects of music history, theory, analysis and aesthetics.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 3 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
This ten week course will focus on the work ONE selected composer in the Western art music tradition. It is intended to provide a space in the curriculum where students can have time to consider the work of the selected composer in significant depth and breadth. The selected composer will vary from year to year depending on the staff member teaching the course. Key musical works will be explored and the approach taken will vary in relation to the repertoire that is studied.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt:
3,000 word Essay (60%).
Presentation (10 minutes) (40%)
Completion of set reading, listening and other related tasks
Preparation and delivery of class presentations
Oral feedback on reading and presentations during lectures and tutorials. Written feedback on scripts. Students can obtain face to face feedback on ideas and topics from course-coordinator during office hours.
- demonstrate knowledge of main musical developments in the work of the selected composer;
- demonstrate awareness of the social, economic and cultural contexts in which the composer was/is working;
- be able to define key elements of the musical style of the selected composer using appropriate terminology;
- engage critically with texts, including musical texts, analysing them articulately;
- formulate solid arguments based on firm evidence, and articulate them orally and in written form;
- engage in debate, evaluating the relative strength of opposing arguments.
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