Last modified: 25 May 2018 11:16
This course uses sport as a way of trying to understand the historical past as well as viewing it as an active agent in producing historical change. The main chronological focus is on the development of modern sports from the nineteenth century onwards. Geographically, the focus is on western Europe, but there is also detailed consideration of the British Empire, the United States and other areas. Issues addressed include social class, 'race', gender, violence, senses of identity and governmental policies. A comparative and interdisciplinary approach is encouraged.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 3 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 30 credits (15 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
This course invites students to consider the study of sport as a way of trying to understand the past. A broad chronological framework will be adopted, tracing sporting activity and pastimes from the medieval period through to modern times. The geographical scope of the course will also be broad, with detailed consideration of themes such as the relevance of sport in the British Empire and developments in twentieth-century American sports. Issues to be addressed will include social class, race, gender, morality and the efforts of various governments to both control and use sport in different eras.
This module is available to students on all non-History degree programmes as a Discipline Breadth course for the enhanced study requirement. However, the admission of students with a non-History degree intention will be at the discretion of the School of Divinity, History, and Philosophy.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt
Primary source exercises are completed by students and formative assessment is offered by the course co-ordinator.
Feedback on written work is given in written form, but also orally in face-to-face meetings with the course co-ordinator.
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