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Undergraduate Forestry 2017-2018


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

The five day residential field course comprises visits to a range of locations in the Borders and the English Lake District. Sites are chosen to reflect a range of management objectives including: environmental protection; habitat restoration; recreation; and, timber production. Sites often have more than one management objective and students will learn about managing conflicting goals through discussions with practitioners. Meeting land use professionals gives students an insight into the range of careers open to them when they graduate.


15 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This residential field course is based in Freiburg in SW Germany. 6/7 days are spent visiting different forests and meeting German forestry professionals.

This is a joint course with Freiburg University and University College Dublin which allows you to share ideas with students who have studied in different institutions.

Visiting forests overseas challenges many assumptions of how forests should be managed and allows you to reflect on how culture and policy as well as forest type affect forest management.

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