Last modified: 25 May 2018 11:16
This course aims to develop a deeper, more relationship understanding of your own mathematics as an interconnected body of ideas through four main themes: developing connections, valuing and appreciating diversity, developing mathematical talk and developing flexibility. The interest is in '...not just what we know but how we know it, how we are aware of it, how we use it and how we exemplify it' (Watson & Barton, 2012: 67). This focus on what 'doing mathematics' might look like will encourage you to challenge assumptions, beliefs and values about learning mathematics as an interpersonal constructive activity.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 1 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt: Continuous assessment (100%) consisting of: tutorial work both on campus and online (equivalent lab-work) (70%) student presentations (30%) Resit: Oral examination based on a discussion of the work presented in the first attempt. The proposal is to reflect the process of a viva voce used at doctoral level at undergraduate level. Where the first attempt has been unsuccessful students will be required to submit a portfolio of their coursework as detailed above to inform the oral examination. The oral itself and the feedback discussion, with permission of examiners and student, will be recorded. The outcomes of this would be (i) student has successfully met the requirements or (ii) student has failed to meet the requirements. Note: The first attempt will be submitted before the end of December allowing any necessary resubmission to be undertaken in mid-January. This would mean that CAS marks could be submitted to registry by mid-Feb for both first and second submssions. If a third submission is required then this would be a portfolio of coursework in response to previous feedback and submitted by the end of May.
Formative assessment will underpin tutorials, both on campus and online, involving purposefully designed activities which allow students, and tutors, to elicit, interpet and use evidence to support their progress.
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