Last modified: 25 May 2018 11:16
This course aims to encourage students to integrate their knowledge in chemistry and apply basic knowledge to more complex but widely applicable topics in chemistry and to further develop the skills for success in undergraduate Chemistry and beyond.
Students will develop an appreciation of the interconnected nature of the traditional branches of chemistry thus enhancing their confidence in using their basic chemistry knowledge. Lectures, workshops and directed reading will introduce and discuss a range of topics including some historical background and present day theories and applications of fundamental topics in Chemistry.Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 1 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Old Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
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Course Aims
To encourage students to integrate their knowledge in chemistry and apply basic knowledge to more complex but widely applicable topics in chemistry; to further develop the necessary study, communication and practical skills for success in undergraduate Chemistry and beyond.
Main Learning Outcomes
Students will develop an appreciation of the interconnected nature of the traditional branches of chemistry thus enhancing their confidence in using their basic chemistry knowledge. Students will (further) develop enhanced competences in:
Communication (written and oral)
Data collection, analysis and interpretation
Discussion and presentation of complex ideas
Laboratory methods.
Course Content
Lectures, workshops and directed reading will introduce and discuss a range of topics that demonstrate the applicability of key ideas across a range of chemistry. Content will include historical background and present day theories and applications of fundamental topics in Chemistry including intermolecular forces, molecular modelling, and isotopes. Numerical and communication skills will also be discussed and practised in workshops and small group tutorials. The research activities of the Chemistry Department will be demonstrated in visits to the specialised laboratories (also in small groups) and hands-on lab skills practised in the undergraduate labs.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt
continuous assessment consisting of: one online test (12.5%) and one written
assignment (12.5%) on numeracy and applied maths skills; one assignment on
research lab visits/discussion (12.5%) taken from poster presentation, short
essay or group presentation; lab skills performance mark, short reports and
oral assessment (12.5%); in-class test (10%), and two further assignments on
different aspects of the lecture material (2x20%) - the latter two assignments
will be of different types taken from poster presentation, short essay, written
summary of discussions in group workshop or small group tutorials or online
artefact such as a journal, blog, or reflective writing.
Submission/ resubmission of those component exercises which previously had not been submitted for marking or for which students have been awarded a fail mark, respectively. Note that in some cases this will only be possible if the student has attended the relevant compulsory small group/laboratory/workshop class.
Online maths test, tutorial assessments, feedback on draft of a piece of written work.
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