Last modified: 24 May 2018 15:19
The first half of the course is devoted primarily to the work of Caravaggio. It locates his art in the naturalistic traditions of Lombardy and Venice, but stresses the aesthetic gulf that separates Caravaggio from his artistic sources.
Central issues include debate about whether Caravaggio was an exponent or critic of Counter Reformation ideology; the extent to which his pictures were painted directly from posed models; the nature and function of his famed 'chiaroscuro'; and how his 'realism' differed from the more 'classical' naturalism of his rival, Annibale Carracci. The course then focuses on Caravaggio's so-called 'followers'.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 4 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 30 credits (15 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The first half of the course is devoted primarily to the work of Caravaggio himself. It locates the roots of his art in the predominantly naturalistic traditions of Lombardy and Venice, but also stresses the aesthetic gulf that separates Caravaggio from his supposed artistic sources.
Central issues to be addressed in the seminars include the current debate about whether Caravaggio was a dutiful exponent or covert critic of Counter Reformation ideology; the extent to which he constructed his pictures without preparatory drawings by painting directly from posed models (an allegedly novel procedure); the nature and function of his famed 'chiaroscuro'; and the ways in which his 'realism' differed from the more 'classical' naturalism of his main rival, Annibale Carracci.
The second half of the course deals with Caravaggio's so-called 'followers'.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt:
1 two-hour written examination (40%)
1 written assignment with formative feedback (3,500 words)
1 visual-based test of one hour (20%)
Class participation (10%).
There are no assessments for this course.
Feedback occurs at various stages of the course and at different levels. The two essays are returned with detailed comments both on the cover sheet and the body of the essay itself. Students are then given the opportunity to discuss their essay with the lecturer.
The lecturer's comments on student presentations in class are also designed to help students improve their skills.
Students are encouraged to discuss their chosen essay topics in advance with the course convener.
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