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Undergraduate Law 2016-2017


15 credits

Level 1

First Term

This course is a compulsory course on the LLB degree introducing students to Scottish Criminal Law including its sources and current law.   It examines various aspects of substantive law including crimes against the person, crimes of dishonesty, crimes against property and criminal defences enabling students to understand and apply the law in these areas.  The course also develops student’s written, verbal and analytical skills utilising written course work and problem solving exercises in tutorial groups.  


15 credits

Level 1

First Term

The course provides firstly a map of private law as drawn from the institutional scheme. It then progresses to an equivalent of the medical student’s study of anatomy in the sense that, concentrating on the law of property and obligations, it examines the main concepts of private law and how they operate together as a system to solve everyday legal problems.


15 credits

Level 1

First Term

This course introduces the fundamental components and characteristics of the Scottish legal system. It includes a study skills programme which covers different facets of the study of law along with a series of practical workshops which introduce key legal information sources (both electronic and paper) and appropriate search strategies. Lectures and tutorials will cover topics such as the Scottish legal tradition, formal sources of Scots law, the legislative process, organisation of the courts, judicial precedent, civil procedure, alternative dispute resolution, the European legal order, legal services and access to justice.


15 credits

Level 1

First Term

This module examines, through the use of current, high-profile case-studies, the varying role played by law in wider society. The course departs from the traditional ‘black letter’ approach to studying law and will focus primarily upon current legal problems facing society and the related ethical, economic and social arguments. It will be seen that law is not merely a static body of rules but a mechanism for facilitating and inspiring change in all aspects of our society. 


15 credits

Level 1

Second Term

Contract is one of the central subjects of private law and is one of the main branches of the law of obligations. Contract Law covers obligations which are voluntary in nature. Every day we make contracts from buying a newspaper to buying a house. Contract Law is an area where Scots law and English law are very similar and this course will cover Scots contract law but also highlight where English law differs with the aim of giving students a working knowledge of contract in both countries. 


15 credits

Level 1

Second Term

This course is an introduction to the law about government. The course covers three main areas of law: constitutional law; human rights law; and, to a lesser extent, administrative law. Major topics include parliamentary sovereignty, Britain's membership in the European Union, the rule of law, the separation of powers, devolution (especially in Scotland), the Human Rights Act, freedom of expression, and the right to protest. This area of law is fast-moving, and an effort is made to address current issues such as prisoner voting, the deployment of armed forces, and the impact of the referendum on Scottish independence.


15 credits

Level 1

Second Term

This course develops key legal research skills by taking students through a research project from initial conception to final written product, including: research design; research ethics; identifying and locating primary sources; interpreting and evaluating primary sources; identifying and locating secondary sources; critically analysing secondary sources; use and interpretation of data, statistics and other (non-legal) evidence; and effective writing. It will teach students the comparative and doctrinal-historical legal methods critical to legal research. Students will develop their own research project throughout the semester in light of this learning, building their project step by step under the guidance of the teaching team.


15 credits

Level 1

Second Term

Alternative Methods of Dispute Resolution is a very practical course designed to give students a first-hand interaction with a number of the different structured ways to resolve disputes that exist.  The course is taught by way of a weekly lecture which focuses on an explanation of theory and rationale followed by role play tutorials, where students engage in negotiations and mediations in particular.


7.5 credits

Level 1

Second Term

This course is a compulsory course on the LLB with English Law degree introducing students to English Criminal Law including its sources and current law.   It examines various aspects of substantive law including offences against the person, offences of dishonesty, offences against property and criminal defences enabling students to understand and apply the law in these areas.  The course also develops student’s written, verbal and analytical skills utilising written course work and problem solving in tutorial groups.


7.5 credits

Level 1

Second Term

This 7.5 credit course introduces key elements of the English legal system, building on points considered in the Legal System course. It considers sources of law (with a focus on the common law and doctrine of precedent), key institutions and personalities (eg police, jury, Lord Chancellor), criminal and civil processes, key controversies (eg the future of legal aid, the place of social media and the diversity of judges) and the present and developing nature of the different branches of the legal profession, particularly in the face of evolving technologies. Assessment is by research exercises OR an exam at the student’s choice. 


10 credits

Level 2

First Term


10 credits

Level 2

Second Term


15 credits

Level 2

First Term

This course introduces students to two of the key branches of the Scots law of obligations, namely Delict (which governs legal liability for situations such as the negligent infliction of harm upon others, or liability for breach of privacy) and Unjustified Enrichment (which is concerned with questions such as, if I pay you money in error, am I entitled to demand that you return it?).  The course will be taught primarily by means of lecture and tutorial.  There will also be one compulsory interactive workshop illustrating how to quantify the amount of damages payable for personal injury.


15 credits

Level 2

First Term

This course examines the composition and function of the EU Institutions (including preliminary rulings), sources and supremacy, direct effect of EU Law, state liability and judicial review. Other topics covered include human rights in the EU, persons and citizenship, establishment and services, free movement of goods, and competition law.


15 credits

Level 2

First Term

This course will introduce students to the main points of Scottish legal history from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In weeks one to eight, lectures and tutorials will provide a general overview as well as more detailed coverage on particular topics e.g. the legal literature and notable jurists, the development of the courts and procedure, and periods of flux and reform of the law. Workshops held in weeks nine and ten allow students to work on a (non-counting) group project charting the history of a legal rule.


15 credits

Level 2

First Term

This compulsory LLB course is all about things. What items can you own? How do you become owner of property? What can you do as an owner of property? What can you do with the property of other people? And so on. An understanding of Scots property law is crucial to markets, commerce and domestic life. This course will give students a broad overview of the regulation of land, moveable items and incorporeal rights like intellectual property in Scotland.


15 credits

Level 2

First Term

The course aims to systematically and critically introduce the foundations of PIL, is taught by teachers with diverse background and expertise in the field. The history, nature, legal persons and how PIL interacts with domestic law are considered in-depth. These are followed by topics such as jurisdiction, sovereignty, role of the United Nations, law of state responsibility and peaceful settlement of disputes between states. Areas such as law of sea, use of force and self-defence are covered to enable students to understand why and how international law regulates the behaviour of its actors with respect to some specific subject areas.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

This is a second level course, which is compulsory for LLB students planning to become professional lawyers. The course consists of four elements: the law of agency, the law of partnership, company law and insolvency law. The lectures will focus on the creation of agency, partnership and companies of different types; the rules that enable these commercial organisations to function; and the law concerning the termination of these commercial organisations. One reason for these organisations coming to an end is that they become insolvent. The rules on insolvency and bankruptcy will be a significant element of the course.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

This course is divided into two principal parts.  In the first part, students will be introduced to the key facets of the law governing the formation of adult relationships, including the constitution of marriage and civil partnership, legal rights and duties of spouses and civil partners, same sex marriage, the grounds for divorce and the financial aspects of breakdown of marriage and relationships of cohabitation.  The second part focuses on the relationship between children and adults and the legal rights of children, including parental rights and responsibilities, court orders relating to children and the welfare principle.


7.5 credits

Level 2

Second Term

This course aims to provide student with an accessible introduction to some of the central themes of legal theory. The material will be organised around broad themes that will enable students to understand the basic concepts of legal theory. The themes include: the authority of law (including the obligation to obey the law, civil disobedience, the limits of law); the structure and function of rights; the fundamental values of law (justice, rule of law); the theoretical foundations of legal reasoning (including deductive reasoning, the limits of rule-based decision-making, the institutional aspects of legal reasoning and the explanation of judicial decisions).


7.5 credits

Level 2

Second Term

Students studying for the Aberdeen LLB are required to take this course if they wish to use their degree to enter the Scottish legal profession. The course will examine both testate and intestate succession, in the context of the general principles of the law of succession, including legal rights. Furthermore, it will introduce the functions of trusts, the rights of beneficiaries and the powers and duties of trustees. The course is available only to LLB students in Programme year 2 or above and graduates on the 2 year degree.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

This course aims to give students an overview of the law of Germany. Both private law and public law aspects will be covered and knowledge of German whilst useful is not essential.


5 credits

Level 2

Second Term

Introduction to Spanish Law is designed to introduce students to the institutional structure and some substantive principles of Spanish law. It involves a significant quantity of independent research and the aim of the five seminars is to give students direct help and instruction. The course covers Spanish law and its socio-political context, its sources, and the Spanish legal system. Knowledge of Spanish is desirable but not necessary.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

The course examines the relevant solutions to cross-border legal problems of jurisdiction and choice of law for contract, delict and family law.  It takes full account of the relevant international, EU, UK and Scottish sources. It is an exempting course for the Faculty of Advocates exam on private international law. Students will: (a) Acquire an understanding of characterisation, jurisdiction and choice of law with a view to identifying and solving problems that may arise in international cases; (b) Develop an understanding of the importance of connecting factors, eg domicile and habitual residence.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

This course is designed to provide non-LLB students with an understanding of the main issues in business law. Topics will cover elements of the Scottish law and legal system concerning Contract Law (including the unfair contract terms), Agency, Delict, Intellectual Property, Trusts, Partnership and Company Law.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

The focus of this level 2 course is the background to, and the significance of, recent developments in the governance of Scotland, together with the implications of proposals for further change. The topics studied include the historical background to the present position; the political factors which led to devolution; the Scotland Act 1998; developments since the implementation of the 1998 Act; the outcome and consequences of the referendum; and the ongoing debate regarding the governance of Scotland. Because of the topicality of the course, the precise syllabus may be subject to change in the light of developing circumstances.


7.5 credits

Level 2

Second Term

This is a foundational course that introduces students to the two dominant legal traditions of the world - the civil law tradition and the common law tradition. The first half of the course provides an introduction to Comparative Law with a focus on the civil law tradition. The second part of the course is concerned with the common law tradition, whilst exploring also the differences between the Scots and English legal systems. In addition, the course examines the interaction between the civil law tradition and the common law tradition within the European Union.   


7.5 credits

Level 2

Second Term

The aim of this course, open to students who have already studied the Scots law of delict (and compulsory for those on the ‘Law with English Law’ programme), is to extend their expertise to embrace the English law of torts. More particularly, it aims to provide knowledge and understanding of the conceptual structure of this branch of English law in comparison with the corresponding branch of Scots law, and deals in detail with a few specific areas of tort liability, such as environmental torts, occupiers’ liability and trespass to land.


15 credits

Level 2

Second Term

The course provides an introduction to French Law, both private and public law aspects. It outlines the study of the law in France, the French legal professions, the French court system, the structure of the French legal system, the territorial organisation of France, as well as key aspects of French constitutional law, administrative law, contract law and tort liability. Knowledge of French is not necessary. Teaching will be delivered through two hour lectures and seminars. Attendance to both lectures and seminars is compulsory. Assessment is based on the drafting of an essay and an exam.


15 credits

Level 3

First Term

This course deals with the rules of evidence as they apply in the courtroom. The rules in both criminal and civil cases will be analysed. The legal requirements for leading real evidence, documentary evidence and witness testimony are considered. Topics include: relevancy, the corroboration rule, hearsay evidence, expert evidence, lawyer-client privilege, vulnerable witnesses, confession evidence and search evidence. Debate on the more controversial areas of the subject, such as sexual history evidence and admissibility of previous convictions, is encouraged. The subject is highly topical, controversial and practically important to all lawyers. Assessment is by a mixture of coursework and examination.


15 credits

Level 3

First Term

The course will build upon student's existing knowledge of property law. The course will use the legal issues arising when land is to be commercially developed as a means of teaching a range of topics pertaining to title to land, land registration, the planning system and rights in land. The precise topics selected may vary from year to year.


15 credits

Level 3

First Term

This course considers Equity and Trusts, which in its content,  teaching, and nature of its development makes clear key differences between Scots law and English law.  We will consider the history of Equity and its relationship with the common law;  the meaning,  creation and practical impact of trusts (express, implied, resulting and constructive) with both family disputes and commercial sagas having a key role; charitable and non-charitable purpose trusts; rights of beneficiaries;  appointment and responsibilities of trustees;  fiduciary relationships, and equitable remedies (in particular injunctions, and freezing and search and seize orders). Assessment is by an essay and an exam.   


15 credits

Level 3

First Term

This level 3 course covers key aspects and challenges relating to the provision of pro bono publico (“for the public good”) legal advice by Scottish law students. It builds on voluntary activity already undertaken by students by encouraging them to reflect on those experiences and highlights legal, ethical and practical issues that may be faced as students and throughout legal practice.  This course can only be taken by students who have a minimum of one year's voluntary work experience with the Aberdeen Law Project.


15 credits

Level 3

Second Term

This course examines, through a series of lectures and tutorials, a number of important areas of Scots commercial and consumer law, including the sale and supply of goods and services, the hire of goods, consumer credit and insurance. It also, through lectures, workshops and a presentation, introduces students to the skills and techniques of advocacy in the context of a commercial and/or consumer dispute.


15 credits

Level 3

Second Term

This course will explore and critically evaluate the concepts of land and property in the law of England and Wales; estates and interests in land (freehold, leasehold, licence, mortgage and easement); freehold covenants; registered and unregistered land and conveyancing of registered land; trusts in land (including co-ownership); adverse possession; landlord and tenant relationships, leasehold covenants, leasehold enfranchisement, and commonhold. 


15 credits

Level 3

Second Term

The energy industry is a particularly important sector of the economy. Fossil fuel sources provide a state with a source of financial revenue and potential to secure energy supplies. This comes at a cost: health and safety risk or environmental degradation. A regulatory and commercial framework has to be provided to facilitate and control these developments. Alternatives to fossil fuels exist, such as hydropower, wind, solar and nuclear. These are preferable from a climate change perspective but these, too, present legal and regulatory challenges, as does the process of providing a secure and affordable energy supply to end-point consumers.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course examines the law of sales in both a Scottish and international context. Seminar topics will give students a good working knowledge of issues which occur when a difficulty arises (e.g. non-conformity of goods, passing of risk, damages, exemption, avoidance) and the role of important European law as well as international treaties and conventions.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course looks in depth at certain of the main aspects of the Scottish criminal justice process, focussing upon its mainly adversarial nature. Some comparisons are drawn with the inquisitorial processes of continental Europe. Topics addressed include: prosecution systems; the position of the accused; the status granted to the victim; plea-bargaining; the trial process; and appeals. The emphasis is not so much on ‘black-letter law’ but on the principles and policies, often clashing, which underlie the detailed legal rules and regulations governing the relevant institutions and processes. 


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The issue of how gender impacts upon and interrelates with law and legal processes is topical and socially important, with questions relating to gender equality and violence against women currently attracting a high degree of academic, media and government attention. This course will introduce students to current legal dilemmas and legal responses in these areas, in addition to sociolegal and feminist approaches to law.  


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course analyses recent developments in public international law. It first considers the sources of public international law. The question is then asked whether traditional public international law can regulate pressing issues on the international plane. Examples of these problems are: international terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferation, protection of human rights, ethnic conflicts, and climate change. The course encourages the student to think creatively as an international lawyer to resolve contemporary international dilemmas. Teaching will be mostly delivered through discussion based seminars. Assessment is based on the drafting of an essay and an exam.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course is intended to offer insights into the dynamics of the development of international human rights law. It provides advanced instruction in several key aspects of international human rights law (freedom from torture, freedom of religion, social rights, right to self-determination, etc.) in order to develop a critical understanding of the protection of human rights at the global level. It also seeks to shed light on the way the forces of globalisation and global civil society activism shape the conditions under which human rights law can be created and maintained.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course develops  knowledge of EU law acquired at Level 2. Students are invited to engage with timeless questions of European integration which remain of current concern, such as the legitimacy of law-making and the appropriate means of achieving integration. Discussions will address contemporary issues in European Union law diagnosing the present state of the law, and determining how the constitutional settlement of the EU should be developed. This will enable students to articulate their own views of what the EU is, and what it should be. Topics include economic law, family law, human rights law, institutional law and democratization.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The aim of this course is to introduce students to American constitutional law through the study of landmark Supreme Court decisions on controversial moral issues. The material on the course will be organised in relation to broad themes that will enable students to develop and refine their understanding of major issues in American Constitutional Law. The themes include abortion; homosexuality and same-sex marriage; freedom of religion; affirmative action. The course will also help students to familiarise themselves with the main approaches to constitutional interpretation.  


25 credits

Level 4

Full Year

This course, taken over both half sessions by final year honours students, and available only to those students, allows you to write a 10,000 word piece on an aspect of law that you choose with the help of a supervisor. Once your topic and plan are approved by the law school you work independently and hand in the dissertation shortly before the Easter Break.   


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course examines in detail complex areas of the law of succession and trusts with an emphasis being placed on discursive reasoning. The topics considered will include vesting in an executor and beneficiary, the absence of beneficiaries, the nature and roles of an executor and trustee, survivorship of beneficiaries and common calamities, formal and essential validity of wills (including the issue of execution of wills by adults with incapacity), updating out of date wills by means of the various conditiones applied by Scots law and similar rules in other legal systems, limitations on testamentary freedom, forfeiture and unworthiness of heirs.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course builds upon the basic understanding of criminal law acquired in LS1020 although it is very important to understand that the topics are approached from a much more theoretical perspective. The course examines in detail selected principles of criminal liability, including the role and limits of the criminal law, the defence of mental disorder, murder, rape, provocation and the limits of excusability. Comparative material from a variety of jurisdictions is included. There are six 2hour seminars, partly run in debate format. The assessment consists in an essay (33%) and an exam (67%).


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course provides students with a knowledge and understanding of certain key points in Scottish legal history. Seminar topics have been chosen to show students how to evaluate primary material as well as to engage with academic debate. Students will also in some seminars engage with research projects based at Aberdeen.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course examines the way in which the law regulates the treatment of animals in Britain. Topics include: historical development; legal and moral status of animals; the basis and nature of regulation; the legal and political framework, including the impact of the WTO and the EU; the legal meaning of unnecessary suffering; the scientific concept of animal welfare; enforcement; and legislation relating to animals in specific contexts. Consideration is also given to relevant political, scientific, ethical and commercial issues which influence the substantive law. Students are expected to undertake significant personal research focused on the coursework and pre-released examination questions.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This honours course studies aspects of Scots law that are of particular interest to rural and peri-urban Scotland, including private law concerns such as agricultural holdings and crofting law, public law concerns like planning and national parks, and cross-cutting issues like public access to private land and land reform.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course concerns the relationship between law and politics in United Kingdom. In view of the highly topical nature of the subject-matter, the specific issues which are focused upon each year are determined by the members of the course, in consultation with the course co-ordinator. Recent examples include: devolution; response to terrorism; the role of the Prime Minister; reform of the House of Lords. In addition to developing an understanding of particular topics, the course places considerable emphasis on developing research and analytical skills.  Students are expected to undertake significant personal research focused on the coursework and pre-released examination questions.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

Historically, markets of the EEC/EU were integrated mainly on the basis of the case law of ECJ/CJEU using fundamental freedoms as a tool. Today, these freedoms are still an important pillar of the economic constitution, but free trade and competition between Member States’ undertakings have to be supported by other policies and the creation of competition in markets that suffer from market failure. This course looks at the integrating function of fundamental freedoms and develops further insights into the essential influence that the European Legal Order has on State domestic legal systems - and also, especially, on the economic systems. 


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

This is an optional course at honours level for students interested in how companies finance their business activities and would be suitable for those students seeking to specialise in corporate law.  The course shall examine the law concerning both the financing of small and medium-sized companies and the financing of the largest public limited companies. A reasonable, but not exhaustive list of financing techniques will be studied, including some innovative techniques. The law concerning the raising of finance through the issue of shares and bonds in public markets will also be analysed.


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course builds upon the basic understanding of contract law acquired in Contract (LS1520), although it is  important to understand that the topics are approached from a more theoretical perspective, and will critically evaluate at an advanced level, a number of themes introduced in LS1520. The course approaches a selection of current problems in contract law doctrine from the theoretical, comparative and philosophical perspectives. The topics  will vary annually but will include the philosophical basis of contract law, contractual formation, good faith, promise,  contractual remedies, factors vitiating consent, contractual interpretation and risk management through contract (exclusion clauses, penalty clauses etc).


25 credits

Level 4

First Term

The aim of this course is to ensure that participants can develop a good grounding in an important field of law.  In particular, the course will cover the following topics: The philosophy of the lease; the history of the lease in Scotland; the interaction of common law and statute in the Scottish law of leases; the residential lease – public sector/private sector; recent statutory developments in respect of residential tenancies; agricultural leases; commercial leases; special situations – windfarm leases, long leases, the registration of leases, leases in the form A, B & C → A; endgame situations - recovery, removing, ejection, notices. 


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course will discuss corporate governance from comparative and legal policy perspectives. It is aimed at affording students a firm understanding of the theories of Corporate Governance, national systems of corporate governance, Board Structures and Composition, Director Liability, Executive pay and shareholders’ Rights.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course considers various aspects of copyright law including subject matter, the term of protection, criteria for protection, infringement and defences, and the moral rights of authors. Copyright is of importance given the value of the digital economy and the significance of the cultural industries. In terms of career opportunities, students may practice in large intellectual property firms or provide advice to large entertainment companies etc.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

The course explores patents (right to control an invention) and trade marks (right to control the use of a sign, commonly, but not necessarily, a logo).  We will consider  theoretical arguments for and against them, thresholds which must be met for them to exist and be infringed, the relevant international, regional and UK frameworks and limits on the rights conferred. Particular attention will be paid to contemporary controversies.  We will also consider the various avenues by which these registered rights can be obtained and the relevance of other legal fields to the power conferred.  Assessment is by essay and exam.  


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

Many students will be members of clubs and societies, and will go on to become board members for clubs and charities, or community organisation chairpersons and secretaries. This course is for them.

Scottish Charities are regulated by OSCR. Rights of local communities to acquire land are enshrined in statute. Clubs flourish and community empowerment has been the subject of legislation in the Scottish Parliament. However, private clubs can exclude women members, and the law accepts this. The form of business model available to community organisations may be problematic. The legal status of unincorporated associations is unclear. That’s our topic.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

The honours conveyancing course examines a selection of issues arising from contemporary property transactions. This will include investigation of the list of real and public rights available in Scots law (the numerus clausus principle) and its possible extension, the identification of how rights are created and transmitted, tenemental property regimes and minerals extraction, boundary disputes and settlement of boundary issues, land registration, real burdens and servitudes, restrictions on the use of land, the use of trusts to emulate real rights, the methods of transmission of property (including missives and electronic conveyancing) and the practical application of conveyancing theory to practice.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course considers a number of important topics in contemporary Scots family law. An underlying theme is whether the law in these areas is satisfactory or in need of reform, and what shape reform might take. Topics include; domestic violence, same-sex relationships the welfare test, divorce law, family mediation, assisted reproduction, adoption and international family relocation. There is a comparative element to some of the seminar topics as relevant Scots law is compared with the position in England and/or other common law jurisdictions. The effects on Scots family law of the European Convention of Human Rights are also explored. 


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

To focus on the contribution of international instruments to private international law in the United Kingdom and Europe.  In doing so the working methods of and the significance for private international law of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the European Union will be assessed.  Specific conventions and EU Regulations in the areas of child abduction, maintenance and contractual jurisdiction will be analysed.  A possible future Convention on surrogacy will be considered.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course, builds upon the introduction to Delict provided in LS2025 and examines a number of aspects of the law of delict in greater detail.  Topics will be discussed in a comparative, historical and/or theoretical context.  The specific topics covered will vary on a year-by-year basis as the course aims to examine issues of topical interest.  Some of the topics covered in previous years include: causation; product liability; liability for breach of privacy; liability for pure economic loss; psychiatric injury; advocates' immunity and the liability of the police for negligently-conducted investigations.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course examines the law relating to the highly political topic of urban and rural planning in Scotland. It considers it in the context of history, theory and international / EU developments. The law in Scotland is discussed in detail and examples of plans such as the National Planning Framework and controversial planning applications e.g. Menie Golf Course are drawn on to illustrate the law. There is a body of case law (both English and Scots), intricate legislative provisions and policy sources for all the key areas. Planning Law (Honours) mixes academic refection with practical knowledge.  


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

Changes in medical technology frequently cause changes in ethical attitudes and in the content of the law. The purpose of this course is to explore the interaction between law, ethics and medicine with an emphasis on the ethical aspects.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course examines the relationship between the law and the exercise of public power.  Topics covered include: consideration of the state in the United Kingdom and its changing nature; the character of public administration and the evolution of administrative law; the development, role and impact of judicial review in both Scotland and England; and non-judicial mechanisms by which public administrative power is regulated, by reference to particular topical case studies.  This is a skill-based course: students are expected to undertake significant personal research focused on the coursework and pre-released examination questions.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

Through a series of seminars, this course engages students with a body of ‘media law’ which covers topics such as the freedom of the press, freedom of expression, access to information, open justice principle on the one hand, and on the other hand, obscene publications, defamation, right to fair trial, right to privacy, and right of publicity.  The focus is on the regulation of media contents.  While the course follows the relevant current developments in the law, it also lays the foundation and the broader social and historical contexts within which these developments take place.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This is an optional course for students interested in the largest and most powerful type of company – the multinational company. This course would be suitable for those students seeking to specialise in corporate law, or oil and gas law.  The course will examine the nature of this cross-border, international corporate entity, why multinationals are difficult to regulate, the inter-group relationships between parent companies and their subsidiary and affiliated companies. Discussion of the role and the liabilities of directors in such multinational corporate groups will also be analysed.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course explores, through seminar discussion, group presentations and the use of an outside speaker, the legal theory and practice relating to selected domestic and international corporate insolvency law issues, currently directors’ duties in the twilight zone, personal liability of directors, disqualification, corporate rescue, the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings and domestic law provisions on international insolvency including the common law, s 426 of the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006. Topics may vary according to topicality.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course focuses on the complex problems of establishing a correct legal regulation of competitive conditions in the EU. We examine: the economic theory of competition and the difficulties of translating this into effective legal regulation; the operation of Art 101 TFEU in multi-level and other complex markets; current developments within Art 102 TFEU; reform of the public and the private enforcement of EU Competition law.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course examines theories that attempt to explain why people act in a deviant or criminal manner. We will consider theories that explain deviance (in whole or in part) as the product of (1) biological features of the deviant; (2) economic forces; (3) environmental conditions; and (4) the 'labels' social groups assign to certain types of conduct. We will also look at the means by which criminal statistics are gathered, and the extent to which they are accurate. The course is taught through seven 1hour lectures and six 1hour seminars. There is one assessed essay (33%) and an exam (67%).


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

The course analyses how international law regulates the use of armed force between States. The course will first study the fundamental principle of the prohibition on the use of force between States. It will then examine the current exceptions to this principle, and how States try to justify the use of force. In doing so, the course will study the most recent recourses to force on the international plane, in particular in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Teaching will mostly be delivered through discussion based seminars. Assessment is based on the drafting of an essay and an exam.


25 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This constitutional law course considers how core political freedoms are protected by human rights law in the UK.  The course takes the form of seminar discussion, based on prescribed reading, of civil liberties such as freedom of expression; freedom of thought; freedom to protest; and the right to vote.  Students are encouraged to reflect critically on how the law guarantees those rights. The broader context of class discussion includes the relationship between the law of the ECHR and domestic law on human rights; and the balance of power between courts, Parliament and government to determine the scope of civil liberties.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course looks in depth at certain of the main aspects of the Scottish criminal justice process, focussing upon its mainly adversarial nature. Some comparisons are drawn with the inquisitorial processes of continental Europe. Topics addressed include: prosecution systems; the position of the accused; the status granted to the victim; plea-bargaining; the trial process; and appeals. The emphasis is not so much on ‘black-letter law’ but on the principles and policies, often clashing, which underlie the detailed legal rules and regulations governing the relevant institutions and processes.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

The issue of how gender impacts upon and interrelates with law and legal processes is topical and socially important, with questions relating to gender equality and violence against women currently attracting a high degree of academic, media and government attention. This course will introduce students to current legal dilemmas and legal responses in these areas, in addition to sociolegal and feminist approaches to law.  


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course analyses recent developments in public international law. It first considers the sources of public international law. The question is then asked whether traditional public international law can regulate pressing issues on the international plane. Examples of these problems are: international terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferation, protection of human rights, ethnic conflicts, and climate change. The course encourages the student to think creatively as an international lawyer to resolve contemporary international dilemmas. Teaching will be delivered through discussion based seminars. Assessment is based on the drafting of an essay and an exam.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course is intended to offer insights into the dynamics of the development of international human rights law. It provides advanced instruction in several key aspects of international human rights law (freedom from torture, freedom of religion, social rights, right to self-determination, etc.) in order to develop a critical understanding of the protection of human rights at the global level. It also seeks to shed light on the way the forces of globalisation and global civil society activism shape the conditions under which human rights law can be created and maintained.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

The aim of this course is to introduce students to American constitutional law through the study of landmark Supreme Court decisions on controversial moral issues. The material on the course will be organised in relation to broad themes that will enable students to develop and refine their understanding of major issues in American Constitutional Law. The themes include abortion; homosexuality and same-sex marriage; freedom of religion; affirmative action. The course will also help students to familiarise themselves with the main approaches to constitutional interpretation.  


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course, that is only available to final year honours students, allows you to write a 10,000 word piece on an aspect of law that you choose with the help of a supervisor. Once your topic and plan are approved by the law school you work independently and hand in the dissertation shortly before the Easter Break.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

The course builds upon the basic understanding of criminal law acquired in LS1020 although it is very important to understand that the topics are approached from a much more theoretical perspective. The course examines in detail selected principles of criminal liability, including the role and limits of the criminal law, the defence of mental disorder, murder, rape, provocation and the limits of excusability. Comparative material from a variety of jurisdictions is included. There are six 2hour seminars, partly run in debate format. The assessment consists in an essay (33%) and an exam (67%).


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course provides students with a knowledge and understanding of certain key points in Scottish legal history from the 14th to the 18th centuries. Seminar topics have been chosen to show students how to evaluate primary material as well as to engage with academic debate. Students will also in some seminars engage with the research projects based at Aberdeen.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course examines the way in which the law regulates the treatment of animals in Britain. Topics include: historical development; legal and moral status of animals; the basis and nature of regulation; the legal and political framework, including the impact of the WTO and the EU; the legal meaning of unnecessary suffering; the scientific concept of animal welfare; enforcement; and legislation relating to animals in specific contexts. Consideration is also given to relevant political, scientific, ethical and commercial issues which influence the substantive law. Students are expected to undertake significant personal research focused on the coursework and pre-released examination questions.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course concerns the relationship between law and politics in United Kingdom. In view of the highly topical nature of the subject-matter, the specific issues which are focused upon each year are determined by the members of the course, in consultation with the course co-ordinator. Recent examples include: devolution; response to terrorism; the role of the Prime Minister; reform of the House of Lords. In addition to developing an understanding of particular topics, the course places considerable emphasis on developing research and analytical skills.  Students are expected to undertake significant personal research focused on the coursework and pre-released examination questions.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

Historically, markets of the EEC/EU were integrated mainly on the basis of the case law of ECJ/CJEU using fundamental freedoms as a tool. Today, these freedoms are still an important pillar of the economic constitution, but free trade and competition between Member States’ undertakings have to be supported by other policies and the creation of competition in markets that suffer from market failure. This course looks at the integrating function of fundamental freedoms and develops further insights into the essential influence that the European Legal Order has on State domestic legal systems - and also, especially, on the economic systems. 


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This course is useful for students who are interested in consolidating their knowledge of Company Law. It covers a wide variety of topics including the nature and function of limited liability, minority shareholder protection, directors’ duties, company contracts and legal capital. There are numerous career opportunities associated with this course.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

This is an optional course at honours level for students interested in how companies finance their business activities and would be suitable for those students seeking to specialise in corporate law.  The course shall examine the law concerning both the financing of small and medium-sized companies and the financing of the largest public limited companies. A reasonable, but not exhaustive list of financing techniques will be studied, including some innovative techniques. The law concerning the raising of finance through the issue of shares and bonds in public markets will also be analysed.


30 credits

Level 4

First Term

The aim of this course is to ensure that participants can develop a good grounding in an important field of law.  In particular, the course will cover the following topics: The philosophy of the lease; the history of the lease in Scotland; the interaction of common law and statute in the Scottish law of leases; the residential lease – public sector/private sector; recent statutory developments in respect of residential tenancies; agricultural leases; commercial leases; special situations – windfarm leases, long leases, the registration of leases, leases in the form A, B & C → A; endgame situations - recovery, removing, ejection, notices. 


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course will discuss corporate governance from comparative and legal policy perspectives. It is aimed at affording students a firm understanding of the theories of Corporate Governance, national systems of corporate governance, Board Structures and Composition, Director Liability, Executive pay and shareholders’ Rights.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course considers various aspects of copyright law including subject matter, the term of protection, criteria for protection, infringement and defences, and the moral rights of authors. Copyright is of importance given the value of the digital economy and the significance of the cultural industries. In terms of career opportunities, students may practice in large intellectual property firms or provide advice to large entertainment companies etc.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

The course explores patents (right to control an invention) and trade marks (right to control the use of a sign, commonly, but not necessarily, a logo).  We will consider  theoretical arguments for and against them, thresholds which must be met for them to exist and be infringed, the relevant international, regional and UK frameworks and limits on the rights conferred. Particular attention will be paid to contemporary controversies.  We will also consider the various avenues by which these registered rights can be obtained and the relevance of other legal fields to the power conferred.  Assessment is by essay and exam.  


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

Many students will be members of clubs and societies, and will go on to become board members for clubs and charities, or community organisation chairpersons and secretaries. This course is for them.

Scottish Charities are regulated by OSCR. Rights of local communities to acquire land are enshrined in statute. Clubs flourish and community empowerment has been the subject of legislation in the Scottish Parliament. However, private clubs can exclude women members, and the law accepts this. The form of business model available to community organisations may be problematic. The legal status of unincorporated associations is unclear. That’s our topic.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course, available only to Honours LLB students, builds upon the introduction to Delict provided in LS2025 and examines a number of aspects of the law of delict in greater detail.  Topics will be discussed in a comparative, historical and/or theoretical context.  The specific topics covered will vary on a year-by-year basis as the course aims to examine issues of topical interest.  Some of the topics covered in previous years include: causation; product liability; liability for breach of privacy; liability for pure economic loss; psychiatric injury; advocates' immunity and the liability of the police for negligently-conducted investigations.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course examines the law relating to the highly political topic of urban and rural planning in Scotland. It considers it in the context of history, theory and international / EU developments. The law in Scotland is discussed in detail and examples of plans such as the National Planning Framework and controversial planning applications e.g. Menie Golf Course are drawn on to illustrate the law. There is a body of case law (both English and Scots), intricate legislative provisions and policy sources for all the key areas. Planning Law (Honours) mixes academic refection with practical knowledge.  


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

Changes in medical technology frequently cause changes in ethical attitudes and in the content of the law. The purpose of this course is to explore the interaction between law, ethics and medicine with an emphasis on the ethical aspects.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course examines the relationship between the law and the exercise of public power.  Topics covered include: consideration of the state in the United Kingdom and its changing nature; the character of public administration and the evolution of administrative law; the development, role and impact of judicial review in both Scotland and England; and non-judicial mechanisms by which public administrative power is regulated, by reference to particular topical case studies.  This is a skill-based course: students are expected to undertake significant personal research focused on the coursework and pre-released examination questions.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

Through a series of seminars, this course engages students with a body of ‘media law’ which covers topics such as the freedom of the press, freedom of expression, access to information, open justice principle on the one hand, and on the other hand, obscene publications, defamation, right to fair trial, right to privacy, and right of publicity.  The focus is on the regulation of media contents.  While the course follows the relevant current developments in the law, it also lays the foundation and the broader social and historical contexts within which these developments take place.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This is an optional course for students interested in the largest and most powerful type of company – the multinational company. This course would be suitable for those students seeking to specialise in corporate law, or oil and gas law.  The course will examine the nature of this cross-border, international corporate entity, why multinationals are difficult to regulate, the inter-group relationships between parent companies and their subsidiary and affiliated companies. Discussion of the role and the liabilities of directors in such multinational corporate groups will also be analysed.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course explores, through seminar discussion, group presentations and the use of an outside speaker, the legal theory and practice relating to selected domestic and international corporate insolvency law issues, currently directors’ duties in the twilight zone, personal liability of directors, disqualification, corporate rescue, the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings and domestic law provisions on international insolvency including the common law, s 426 of the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006. Topics may vary according to topicality.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This course examines theories that attempt to explain why people act in a deviant or criminal manner. We will consider theories that explain deviance (in whole or in part) as the product of (1) biological features of the deviant; (2) economic forces; (3) environmental conditions; and (4) the 'labels' social groups assign to certain types of conduct. We will also look at the means by which criminal statistics are gathered, and the extent to which they are accurate. The course is taught through seven 1hour lectures and six 1hour seminars. There is one assessed essay (33%) and an exam (67%).


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

The course analyses how international law regulates the use of force between States. The course will first study the fundamental principle of the prohibition on the use of force between States. It will then examine the current exceptions to this principle, and how States try to justify the use of force. In doing so, the course will study the most recent recourses to force on the international plane, in particular in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. Teaching will be delivered through discussion based seminars. Assessment is based on the drafting of an essay and an exam.


30 credits

Level 4

Second Term

This constitutional law course considers how core political freedoms are protected by human rights law in the UK.  The course takes the form of seminar discussion, based on prescribed reading, of civil liberties such as freedom of expression; freedom of thought; freedom to protest; and the right to vote.  Students are encouraged to reflect critically on how the law guarantees those rights. The broader context of class discussion includes the relationship between the law of the ECHR and domestic law on human rights; and the balance of power between courts, Parliament and government to determine the scope of civil liberties.

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