Last modified: 25 Mar 2016 11:33
Lectures by animal scientists based in SBS provide students with an understanding of how physiological systems enable animals to interact with their environment.
By exploring functional properties of living systems at different levels (i.e., cell, tissue, organ, organism) students gain a holistic understanding of animal physiology.
Practical sessions focus on biological chemistry, circulation, muscle, insect movement and osmolarity, and allow students to develop relevant lab skills.
Through the study of vertebrate and invertebrate examples, students gain an appreciation of processes fundamental to all animals, and of differences across groups.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 2 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt: 1 two-hour written exam (60%); continuous assessment (40%).
One formative on-line test will help students assess how well they are learning the course material. Student participation in these tests will be monitored and contribute to retention of the class certificate.
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