15 credits
Level 3
First Term
In lectures you are guided through the theory of evolution, complementing your other biological sciences courses and helping you make sense of the diversity in the living world.
In practical sessions on microevolution and phylogenetics, you gain insight into the processes of evolution and the tools used to study them.
Through talks and poster presentations you gain specialised knowledge and experience communicating complex ideas and synthesizing information from multiple sources.
With focus on the fundamental importance of evolution for our understanding of the natural world, you learn about the interactions between science and society and how science progresses.
15 credits
Level 3
First Term
Lectures and practicals provide a framework for thinking about the marine environment in an integrated way.
A variety of data are used in practical sessions (e.g., oceanographic records, zooplankton and fish samples, video footage from the deep ocean) to support your data recording and analysis skills.
Guidance on writing an essay and feedback on your essay improves your understanding of what is expected in scientific writing and of your own strengths and weaknesses.
Case studies focused on the effects of human activities on marine systems support the development of your capacity for critical thought.
15 credits
Level 3
First Term
15 credits
Level 3
Second Term
Several themes explore how animals can adapt / have adapted to their environments within life and during evolution, providing an overview of the integrated nature of physiology.
In groups, you will research how animals survive in extreme environments - presenting your findings as a scientific poster, developing transferrable skills in communication and team work.
Lab practical where you will perform quantitative PCR - a keystone method for gene expression profiling in the life sciences and a valuable transferrable skill.
All learning material is rooted in the active research interests of teaching staff, meaning it is delivered effectively with great enthusiasm.
15 credits
Level 3
Second Term
This course will provide you with insights into key infectious diseases of humans and domestic animals of major importance around the world and approaches to control these diseases
Weekly practicals include hands-on modern molecular diagnostic techniques for disease detection and surveillance
In course assessments include group-work posters, talks and the production of public health information pamphlets
The mixture of a theoretical background, hands-on modern practical techniques and communication skills via different media gives a base from which to develop careers in the extensive field of infectious disease
15 credits
Level 3
Second Term
The course covers a diverse set of topics from fish diversity, through reproductive strategies and fisheries science to perspectives on sustainable aquaculture and marine environmental issues.
Guest speakers from Marine Scotland Science and the Scottish fisherman’s association along with field visits to a freshwater fishery and Peterhead fish market will exemplify applied science in action and give you an appreciation of the industry view of fisheries management.
Field work on rocky shores around Aberdeen will give you firsthand experience of fisheries data collection and analysis in the unusual context of a commercial invertebrate fishery.15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
This course will provide you with in-depth appreciation of four themes in diseases transmitted by invertebrate vectors all delivered by active researchers in this area
Weekly tutorials support the lecture topics in various formats including “for and against” debates, Dragon’s Den pitches and contingency plans for disease invasion
The mixture of a theoretical background, group discussion and examination of modern issues gives you a good grounding in vector-borne disease for future careers in this area while also developing your critical analysis and communication skills
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
This course will give you the opportunity to explore the behaviour of animals in an evolutionary context, for example, why some individuals behave differently from others within the same species.
Access to academics working at the cutting edge of behavioural research which gives insight into both behaviour patterns and mechanisms for the study of behaviour.
Workshops encourage further exploration of core topics through discussion of research papers and construction of computer-based models to illustrate concepts.
Opportunity to produce a grant proposal for research into behavioural ecology which gives an introduction the process of procuring research funding.
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
Students explore real world science, policy and management issues in sustainable management of marine resources through individual and group-based research.
Problem-based learning approach increases enthusiasm, promotes deeper learning and improves abilities in group working.
Students enhance critical thinking and analytical skills by analysing quantitative data relevant to managing the impacts of harvesting and other human activities on marine resources .
Guest lectures given by experts in a relevant field provide opportunities to network with professionals working with marine resources.
Assessment is based on presentations, a briefing note and final report that help students develop communication skills directly relevant to the workplace.
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
This course develops your knowledge and skills in analysing field data on changes in the distribution, abundance and survival of animal populations.
Practical work applying quantitative tools used in modern wildlife management will give you analytical and critical analysis skills valued by employers.
Guest speakers present case studies illustrating the application of these tools to current conservation and wildlife management problems.
You debate controversial issues that are informed by scientific evidence.
Each practical contributes a clue to solving an ecological problem and you will assemble these clues to formulate a management plan aimed at a conservation/wildlife management issue.15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
This interdisciplinary course examines coastal seabed ecosystems, their function and services, and the conservation and sustainability issues they face, strengthening students understanding and awareness of a complex system.
Lectures cover coastal benthic systems; an emphasis on seaweeds provides insight into the role and importance of primary producers in coastal areas.
Preparation and presentation of a research proposal provides students with the experience of articulating a research question, investigating appropriate methodologies, and defending one’s ideas both orally and in written form.
A field trip to the Ythan Estuary and the University’s Oceanlab allows students to relate theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
Lectures and guided reading help you to develop specialist knowledge in advanced aspects of molecular ecology and evolutionary biology.
Structured learning activities directed by experts in molecular ecology and evolution provide you with exposure to current research into real world problems.
Tutorials and seminars focused on scientific papers develop your communication skills, in relation to logical argumentation, critical analysis and simplifying complex ideas.
Completion of an essay provides you with an opportunity to direct your studies and reinforces your skills in synthesis and written work.
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
Lectures by research staff working in aquaculture provide you with specialised knowledge in a range of current issues, including growth, nutrition, health and disease resistance, genetics and environmental interactions.
Preparation for seminars and the essay allow you to direct your own learning and explore methods and current advances in your chosen topic.
Participation in the seminars helps you to develop your communication skills and provides you with feedback on your understanding of the issues.
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
A lecture based course delivered by researchers at the leading edge of deep sea exploration.
One day practical at the Oceanlab deep sea facility to receive hands on experience in the operation and interpretation of deep sea sampling.
A multi-disciplinary approach to the study material for a broader understanding of life in the deepest oceans.
Freedom to demonstrate independent and critical thinking is given as part of the written coursework.
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
Research directed teaching on parasites, and the diseases they cause provides students with specialized knowledge.
Host-parasite interactions are studied at the level of cell biology, immunology and epidemiology provides an integrated systems-based approach.
By studying human parasitic diseases with some veterinary examples students gain broad exposure to relevant case studies.
A combination of lectures and directed research reading provides structure with opportunities for independent study.
15 credits
Level 4
Second Term
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