Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27
This course is an opportunity to start to think about the importance of the role of research as a counselling skills practitioner and will utilise a mix of theoretical and experiential methods. Students will be supported in the construction and writing of the resulting dissertation, the methods of referencing and relaying data. During the course, students will share and discuss their own work, providing peer group support and constructive criticism on preliminary drafts, with assistance from the tutor with research problems. Individual tutorials will form part of the course.
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 3 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 30 credits (15 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
See Course Prospectus for class days and times. You must contact the
Programme Co-ordinator , Barbara
Foad to register for a place.
This course may not be suitable for anyone who
is currently receiving Counselling
or has faced a serious emotional issue in the last six months.
You should plan to attend 100% of Lectures and Tutorials.
Your class may include part-time students of all ages.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt: research log 2500 words (15%); oral seminar presentation (10%); written dissertation 10000 words (75%) Candidates must acheive a CAS of 9 or greater in the oral seminar presentation in order to pass the course. Resit: No resit of oral seminar presentation; mark from first attempt will be carried forward if greater than CAS 9. One resubmission of Research Log (15%). One resubmission of Dissertation (75%).
Contributions to the seminar discussions with peer and tutor feedback. Research Log Feedback on research diary and collection of data. Individual tutorials.
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