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Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27

Course Overview

This is a course leading to the professional qualification of Person-Centred Counselling Supervision (COSCA validated). Participants must have a Diploma or Post Graduate Diploma  in Counselling, psychotherapy,social work or equivalent  with at least two years  post qualifying supervised practice .

This training, although experiential, is focused solely on the personal and professional development of participants as a counselling supervisor. Please consider carefully your own level of emotion integration and ability to work within professional boundaries.

Course Details

Study Type Undergraduate Level 3
Term First Term Credit Points 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits)
Campus None. Sustained Study No
  • Dr Barbara Foad

What courses & programmes must have been taken before this course?


What other courses must be taken with this course?


What courses cannot be taken with this course?


Are there a limited number of places available?


Course Description

In the spirit of the person-centred tradition this course will draw on the experience and knowledge of the participants to explore professional, practical and theoretical issues and personal experience of supervision work and will offer practice, feedback and time for reflection and discussion. A person-centred model of supervision is introduced. In the context of relevant ethical frameworks, contracts between supervisor and supervisee are explored. Issues identified as core content will include: the core conditions of empathy, acceptance and congruence in relation to supervision; the theory of person-centred therapy; the person-centred approach to supervision: focus on the supervision relationship and relational depth;understanding and meeting diversity; ethical issues such as confidentiality, boundaries, differences between supervision and therapy; the BACP Ethical Framework; supervision process; supervision contracts; supervisors responsibility in relation to the supervisee and the client.

Further Information & Notes

See Course Prospectus for class days and times.  You must contact the Programme Co-ordinator , Barbara Foad to register for a place. 
This course may not be suitable for anyone who is currently receiving Counselling  or has faced a serious emotional issue in the last six months.

Participants must plan for 100% attendance at all course dates and study groups

Participants are required to have at least 2 supervision contracts with practising counsellors while undertaking this training.  


Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

1) Case Study 3,000 words (25%).

2) An essay on an aspect of theory relating to supervision and chosen by the course member of 2,000 words (25%).

3) A self appraisal statement including written reflection on the course member's learning and development. 2,000 words (25%).

4) Continuous Assessment (25%) - This is a self-assessed course. The course member, in consultation with other participants and staff, will make the final decision as to his or her theoretical and practical competence and future areas for development. The self-assessment process will also be aided throughout the course by the assignments, which will include written work on theory, practice and ethics in supervision, as well as reflection on the course member's learning and development.

In order to pass the course a pass must be obtained in all four elements.

Course members are expected to engage fully with the course.

The final CAS mark will be awarded after discussion with the student.

All four elements must be completed successfully to pass the course.

There is no resit for the continuous assessment element. Students who fail this on the first attempt must repeat the course.

If a pass is obtained for the Continuous Assessment element in the first attempt resits can be offered for these elements:

one resubmission of case study 25%

one resubmission of self appraisal statement 25% one resubmission of essay 25%

Formative Assessment

One Formative pre course assignment - a written statement regarding the course member' motivation to become a supervisor, this will be shared in small groups at the beginning of the course.

The person-centred approach is the reason for the student themselves making the final decision at to his or her theoretical and practical competence and future areas for development, in consultation with their peers in the small group and the course tutor.


Course members will be encouraged to routinely give each other feedback on formative written work and practical work. Written feedback will be given by the course tutor on summative assignments.

If at any time during the programme the staff have serious doubts about a participants work or ability to complete the course successfully, they will consult the participant privately.

Course Learning Outcomes


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