Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27
In cognitive behavioural counselling the counsellor works with the client to identify the thoughts arising from their interpretation of life experiences which lead to changes in mood and behaviour. He/she then facilitates the development of the necessary skills and strategies to find more adaptive thinking or behaviours. This course will work with strategies for stress management that can be applied to other client issues. This course assumes previous practical experience as a professional helper or Counsellor or completion of Counselling Skills 1 &2
Study Type | Undergraduate | Level | 2 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
See Course Prospectus for class days and times. You must contact the
Programme Co-ordinator , Barbara
Foad to register for a place.
This course may not be suitable for anyone who
is currently receiving Counselling
or has faced a serious emotional issue in the last six months.
Class size is limited to 15. You must be able to attend the same
class at the same time over 10 weeks .There is a strict attendance
requirement of at least 75% . If you miss more than two 3 Hr classes for any
reason you cannot pass the course.
Your class may include part-time students of all ages.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st Attempt: Weekly 400 word reflective log/journal writing (25%), Oral Practice (25%) and Oral Participation (25%), 3500 word essay (25%) To achieve a pass for the course overall, a pass in each element is required. Candidates should note that a resit is not permitted of the learning log or oral elements of the course. To achieve credit for the course overall, a pass in each element is required. Resit: one essay 3500 words
A reflective personal learning log, will be completed by all students and submitted to tutors after week 2 on a weekly basis. The log is an opportunity for students to reflect on their experiences of learning in the class, how they relate theory to practice and their own personal awareness, growth and development. Skills practice is included in each class. Tutors provide feedback on practical skills on a group or individual basis as appropriate in each of the 12 classes. Oral participation is assessed in the whole class group and with all class members.
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