Last modified: 31 Jul 2023 11:19
The course combines practical, theoretical and analytical work, to enable students to engage with the concepts involved in literary translation, in terms of both theory and practice. Students will study theory and criticism of literary translations and will explore the dynamics between existing translations and their source texts. Students will also be engaged in translating creative writing and commenting on their own practice and choices.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 20 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
Feedback | Word Count | 2000 |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 50 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
Feedback |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 30 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
Feedback | Word Count | 3000 |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
There are no assessments for this course.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | ||
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
Feedback |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Factual | Remember | ILO’s for this course are available in the course guide. |
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