15 credits
Level 5
First Term
In relation to Forestry, which takes up the major part of this course, students study the planning and management of woods for conservation purposes, timber production and recreational use. There are three field visits. The course includes an overview of the British forestry sector and examines classification of woodlands, tree identification, silvicultural systems and forest policy. Game management examines upland and lowland estates in terms of deer and grouse management together with salmon fishing and other related game interests.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
Students will gain a valuable introduction to all aspects of agricultural production systems and management. This includes land use for agriculture (crop production and animal husbandry), the management of the countryside, its economic significance, geographical spread and social significance. Visits to farms include projects on farm types and different systems, the importance of mixed farming and sustainable agriculture. Also covered is sustainable agri practices and grant schemes, CAP support system and annual cycle of operations.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course will introduce students to contemporary environmental issues at various temporal and spatial scales, and will explore associated environmental management challenges. Students will learn about different conceptual and theoretical approaches to the study of environmental challenges and they will explore the key drivers of environmental challenges from local to global scales. Lecturers will draw on their own research experience and use case studies to illustrate many of these issues.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module will provide students with an introduction to UAV, airborne and satellite remote sensing, digital image processing, and softcopy photogrammetry to extract environmental data and information from digital imagery, and a number of monitoring and mapping applications. Students will learn how to acquire UAV imagery, and to process it into information as part of a group practical mapping exercise.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module will introduce students to remote sensing techniques and fundamental geospatial tools for displaying and analysing geospatial data. This will include: navigation, measurement, spatial queries, geocoding, scripting, buffering, digitising, and overlay analysis. Several ‘real world’ examples will be used to illustrate the application of the tools for data exploration, spatial analyses, mapping, and visualisation. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining a sound understanding of the principles of each technique, as well as the importance of selecting the correct approach to a problem, analysing the data, and interpretation of the results.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This module will introduce students to the literature, concepts, theories, knowledge and understanding of the origins, history, development, and evolution of Geographical Information Systems. This will include a timeline of key developments in GIS theory and practice; technological developments of GIS from its geographical origins to the commercial location-based technologies of today; the underlying geographical principles and fundamentals of GIS; discussion of GIS as a tool or technique, a discipline or science; and some of the major developments that have led to mobile location-based technologies. Finally, key future developments of this rapidly evolving technology with some example applications.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
Today people from all walks of life use GIS maps on their desktops, via the web, on tablets and smartphones. The development of Web-GIS or Online Mapping has led to the move from the desktop standalone GIS software to the Internet. In so doing it has revolutionised accessibility to geospatial data and information. Spatial data can rapidly be transformed into web-maps or services that are 'mashed' up with different layers into a web-GIS, Maps on the web have also provided a new paradigm for how people everywhere can access and use geographic data and information. Web-GIS has led to a more flexible and agile workflow and provides a platform for integrating GIS with other business systems, and has enabled cross-organizational collaboration. Web GIS allows organizations to properly manage all their geographic knowledge. At the heart of web GIS is a mapcentric content management system. Web mapping is more than just web cartography; it is a service by which consumers may choose what the map will show.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
The course provides an understanding of the role of policy and the law in regulating the use, management, development, planning, acquisition and transfer of land and natural resources. It covers legislation for environmental protection, conservation and designations, at Scottish, UK and international levels. The course also examines access legislation, community right to buy and community-based planning, agricultural holdings, rent reviews and powers regarding compulsory purchase of land. Part of the course is dedicated to a teamwork module to build student skills in communication and engagement, planning and managing work in terms.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course will discuss the theoretical (and historical) evolution of the notion of sustainability, discuss various related concepts such as green growth and the green economy, introduce the topic of sustainability transitions as an interdisciplinary issue, explore the theory of sustainability transitions and discuss various technological, political, economic and socio-cultural challenges which transitions to sustainable forms of production and consumption must overcome to be successful.
15 credits
Level 5
First Term
This course provides an introduction to the philosophical approaches that have influenced Human Geography research and provide an opportunity for students to develop an appreciation of concepts, themes and methods framing contemporary research in the discipline. Students use the course work to develop their understanding of theoretical and conceptual developments and methodological approaches as applied in a selected sub-area of the disciplines and develop a critical awareness of how these developments have influenced their proposed research topic.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Students learn about the inputs and outputs in both physical and financial terms for the main landed activities on rural estates, including setting and preparing management objectives and plans. Field visits examine the financial interactions of rural estate enterprises and the development of specific areas of an estate: eg diversification. Preparation and analysis of financial accounts and forward financial planning together with basic taxation and the granting of way leaves and servitudes are examined.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Students are introduced to relevant research methods for the analysis of rural, land, property, and environmental resources. The course is the fundamental building block for the substantive dissertation or partnership project that students undertake over the summer. Topics studied in detail include strategy formulation for effective literature review, various methodological approaches, the selection of appropriate methods for carrying out specified research exercises and the production of feasible research proposals and programmes of work.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The course examines rural policy, land use and socio-economic issues associated with the countryside at local and national scales. Issues include land management, tourism, diversification, planning, conservation etc.
The substantive element is a field trip to the Highlands or Lake District where projects will be studied with visits to various estates and key stakeholder agencies. Students identify research topics and undertake research on policy topics in groups and individually. Formal teaching includes lecture and seminars.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course introduces students to the concepts of land and property valuation as defined by the RICS and develops a specialised knowledge of rural land and property valuation. This covers the principles and practices of agricultural valuation along with sporting estates and rural housing. Students will be able to produce rural land valuations in a professional context. There will be a focus on the formal processes and procedures adopted in the UK in the approach to the valuation of property and an awareness of the various purposes for which valuations are required.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module will examine some of the many different applications of the geospatial technologies. It comprises two sections: 1) invited lectures from external guest speakers on a selection of current GIS applications embracing academic, commercial and research topics on e.g. physical and human geography, planning, archaeology, geology, computer science, and specialist applications from amongst others: the renewable energy sector, oil and gas industry, offshore surveying, marine spatial planning, precision agriculture, environmental management, local authorities, and the business sector; 2) the execution of a practical-based mini GIS project chosen from a list of topics of specific interest to the student.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course will provide students with knowledge of theories of governance in the context of sustainable development. It will focus on the political economy of sustainable development and the political and economic tensions between different institutions, levels of administration and sectors of economy. Students will learn about theories of governance pertaining to the natural environment and sustainable development. They will explore the different institutional scales (e.g. local, national, global) of environmental governance and the processes of decision making for environmental governance. The course will also investigate the tensions between social, economic and environmental objectives for sustainable development.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module will provide students with an introduction to UAV, airborne and satellite remote sensing, digital image processing, and softcopy photogrammetry to extract environmental data and information from digital imagery, and a number of monitoring and mapping applications. Students will learn how to acquire UAV imagery, and to process it into information as part of a group practical mapping exercise.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This module will introduce students to remote sensing techniques and fundamental geospatial tools for displaying and analysing geospatial data. This will include: navigation, measurement, spatial queries, geocoding, scripting, buffering, digitising, and overlay analysis. Several ‘real world’ examples will be used to illustrate the application of the tools for data exploration, spatial analyses, mapping, and visualisation. Emphasis will be placed on obtaining a sound understanding of the principles of each technique, as well as the importance of selecting the correct approach to a problem, analysing the data, and interpretation of the results.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Central to the application of Geographical Information (GI) in the 'real world' is the acquisition of a fundamental knowledge and understanding of the 'data into information’ pathway using GIS and the geospatial information technologies. This module introduces students to a number of examples of both theory and application of geographical data and information, and the relationships to remote sensing, cartography. visualisation, multimedia, global positioning systems (GPS), mobile GIS, and the Internet. A practical study of mobile GIS and Smartphone Apps for field data collection is included. A practical introduction to the Idrisi GIS software is used for the course.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course aims at progressing knowledge of spatial analysis tools in GIS. A variety of Map Algebra techniques will be applied to solve complex GIS projects. Part one is focussed on solving a relatively simple spatial analysis exercise on climate. Part two focuses on automation in GIS and large spatial data analyses using Python. Part three, is a multiple practical exercise that trains students to use best practices and advanced spatial analysis techniques to resolve a complex GIS problem simulating a real-life work assignment.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
Partnerships for Sustainability provides an overview understanding and analysis of the role of partnerships as a means of delivering and governing the Sustainable Development Goals.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
The purpose of this course is to help students become a researcher, developing skills that are essential to successfully undertaking research, interacting with others in the research community and communicating research findings to different audiences. Course assessment is designed to allow students to develop their research interests and reflect on different approaches to ‘doing’ research.
15 credits
Level 5
Second Term
This course equips students with the skills required to do research. The course content steers students through the preparatory stages of undertaking a new, independent research project. Students will develop information management skills, literature review skills and strategies for developing research questions, designing a methodological strategy, and preparing a formal research proposal and plan. Course assessment is designed to allow students to develop their research interests.
60 credits
Level 5
Third Term
The dissertation provides students with the opportunity to select, design, conduct and report a detailed investigation of a topic pertaining to rural land management and which is studied in depth over the summer following best practice research methodology. The aim is to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of a particular rural topic, including the academic background, relevant policy and the roles played by various actors and agencies. The research is conducted in an academically robust and ethically sensitive manner.
60 credits
Level 5
Third Term
The student will select, undertake and complete a research-based dissertation project. In choosing and approving a suitable topic, consideration will be given to the student's background and skills, their career interests, suitable data availability, and the possibility of an external placement. Successful completion of the project requires reference to and integration of the various different taught elements, independent research, together with a general knowledge of all aspects of GIS and where appropriate different disciplines. The dissertation project is undertaken by the student with the guidance of a supervisor from the University and in some cases an external advisor.
60 credits
Level 5
Third Term
The aim of the Sustainability Project is to enable students to produce an independent and original piece of work that demonstrates advanced knowledge in a chosen aspect of sustainability transitions. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to identify, define and develop appropriate research questions, and collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data to address specific research aims using a range of standard and specialised techniques of enquiry.
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