Last modified: 05 Aug 2021 13:04
Why do some microorganisms cause disease, yet others don’t? This course explores host-pathogen interactions from bacterial, fungal, parasite, viral and host perspectives in a lecture series, examining virulence factors, host defences and immune responses. Students develop a detailed knowledge of one specific host-pathogen interaction through self-directed study and review of a specific disease selected by the student. In addition, workshops are held which discuss experimental design for analysis of host-pathogen interactions, virulence and novel drug treatments. The material on the course will enable students to develop and refine their understanding of the roles of host and pathogen in infectious disease.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
This course will explore host-pathogen interactions, examining the relationships from both host and pathogen perspectives. Topics covered will include fungal, bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases, host responses to disease causing agents, as well as clinical therapies. The course also aims to explore experimental design for analysis of host-pathogen interactions in workshops.
The course will be research-led and will focus on up-to-date research, exposing students to a stimulating and challenging learning environment. The course aims to increase student’s understanding of host-pathogen interactions, clinical therapeutics and drug discovery, and experimental design.
The course also aims to encourage development of student critical thinking, through evaluation of literature and writing a major essay on a disease chosen by the student, and to develop personal and transferable skills to equip students for the research or other work environment.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Major essay 3000 words 40%
Workshop report short answer questions 20%
Infographic 10%
Online test – MCQ, short answer questions, single best answer, choose all correct answers, etc. based on lectures and experimental design 30%
Resit for students taking the course in AY20/21:
Oral exam – 30 min to be carried out via Online Classroom (Collaborate) to test achievement of intended learning outcomes.
There are no assessments for this course.
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Procedural | Apply | Ability to apply knowledge gained to the solution of theoretical problems and to communicate these effectively in group situations and in written form |
Reflection | Understand | In-depth knowledge and understanding of pathogenesis of bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic pathogens and host immune responses to these pathogens |
Reflection | Apply | Acquisition of self-directed learning skills |
Reflection | Evaluate | To equip students with critical and analytical skills required for further studies in specialised areas of microbiological, immunological or related research. |
Reflection | Evaluate | Knowledge and understanding of current clinical therapeutics for bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic pathogens and drug discovery, including novel therapies |
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