Last modified: 22 May 2019 17:07
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Series of lectures covering fundamental topics such as RNA (coding, non-coding transcription), DNA –protein interactions (e.g. chromatin, transcription factors), 3D structure of chromosomes and regulation of gene activity) as well as on genome structure/genetic mapping and advanced analytical methods such as CRISPR and genome editing technology. Lectures are complemented by tutorials and workshops covering related topics.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Resit: 100% MCQ exam for students taking MSc in Cell and Molecular Systems Biology (conversion course).
There are no assessments for this course.
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