Last modified: 22 May 2019 17:07
An introduction to the theory of time series analysis applied to geophysical data acquisition and real and synthetic seismic signals, including an understanding of the underlying philosophy and mathematical foundations. The main focus will be on signal processing and 1D-2D filtering techniques with consideration to Fourier analysis, seismic travel times and geomagnetism problems. Familiarisation with practical application in a computational laboratory using commercial computational software (such as Matlab and Mathematica).
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Sorry, we don't have a record of any course coordinators. |
I. Processing
1. Mathematical preliminaries: the z- and discrete Fourier transform (DFT), properties of the DFT, DFT of random sequences, practical exercises (commercial software)
2. Practical estimation of spectra: aliasing, spectral leakage and tapering, analogue-digital conversion, design example, practical exercises (commercial software)
3. Processing of time sequences: filtering and transfer functions, FIR-IIR filter, time domian response, standard response, deconvolution, practical exercises (commercial software)
4. Processing two dimensional data: the 2D Fourier transform, 2D filtering, travelling waves.
II. Application
1. Fourier analysis as an inverse problem: Wiener filter, Hilbert filter, multi tape spectral analysis
2. Seismic covariance, resolution and averaging problem in seismic image processing: pre conditioning filter, semblance, dip-azi steering filters, eigenstructures
3. Geomagnetism-gravity: the forward problem, the inverse problem, damping covarience, resolution and averaging problem
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st attempt: 4 novel practical works (25% each).
Resit: resubmission of failed report.
There are no assessments for this course.
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