Last modified: 27 Feb 2018 20:18
One of the fundamental skills involved in clinical psychology is the ability to carry out clinically relevant literature reviews, service evaluation, audit and research. This course enables you to develop some of these key skills by completing a substantial, individual clinical project, typically co-supervised by a Practitioner Psychologist. As part of your clinical project, you will disseminate your findings, including presenting to clinical and academic colleagues and producing a poster/article for peer-reviewed publication/dissemination.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 60 credits (30 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Old Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
A key aspect of the current Clinical Psychologist role in the UK involves the ability of those working in clinical psychology to integrate scientific knowledge and professional practice. Carrying out a piece of clinical project work, for example, reviewing an aspect of the clinical evidence base, carrying out a piece of service evaluation, clinical audit or research will enable students to develop their application of psychological and research knowledge, developing an area of clinically relevant interest. Projects are developed in collaboration with Practitioner Psychologist colleagues and therefore reflect current UK clinical practice. Students will typically be supervised by a Practitioner Psychologist working in the area of interest and/or an Academic Psychologist experienced in relevant clinical research. For this course, students will be required to submit a report (6000 to 9000 words) describing the stages and outcome of their clinical project. As dissemination is a crucial part of the Scientific- Practitioner model and of rigorous scientific practice in general, students will also be required to prepare and submit, in collaboration with their supervisors, a paper to a peer-reviewed publication.
Students will be given the opportunity to meet regularly with their peers and with the course co-ordinator to feedback, discuss and reflect on their progress with their clinical projects.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Clinical Project (85%); Poster presentation (15%).
Submission of paper for publication.
Feedback on assessments will be provided according to University procedures. It is anticipated that this will be in the form of written feedback for the clinical project report and poster presentation. Verbal feedback will be provided for the paper submission.
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