Last modified: 27 Feb 2018 12:47
This course encourages you to consider and embrace issues of innovation and change that arise from external and internal influences on the FE sector. It provides an opportunity for you to develop innovative, professional ideas and practice, interlinking theoretical aspects with practice and considering future professional contexts. The course offers an opportunity to reflect on the wider professional role and context, and the different influencing factors that impact on these, taking into consideration legislative, political, economic, social and technical changes, to help you develop resilience as a practitioner in a continually changing educational landscape.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 30 credits (15 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Online | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The Embracing Change and Innovation Course will engage you in undertaking a small-scale professional enquiry to explore a professional issue which impacts on your setting and on your practice. You will consider the wider professional context and how you might respond to this in a creative and innovative approach to your practice. Using critical enquiry you will be supported in:
· developing an understanding of quality standards in an FE environment
· being responsive to legislative, political, economic, social and technological changes
· developing best professional practice for the benefit of learners, partner organisations and the wider educational environment
· developing critical reflection of practice
Participants must be teaching in a relevant context to undertake this course.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
First attempt: Summative assessment (100%): a detailed plan for an innovative approach or change initiative, intended to develop practice in your professional context (3000 words). The plan must be supported and justified with reference to appropriate policy, academic research and other appropriate sources. It should address one (or more) of the issues arising from the formative assessment task which requires the identification of broad implications for the Further Education sector in one of three given themes (The changing education landscape; Curriculum developments; Changing role). Students mjust also complete a practice based element of an observation of practice from the University tutor or the College co-tutorResit: One further resit opportunity will be permitted, subject to meeting the conditions for post-graduate taught ‘conversion’ courses.
There are no assessments for this course.
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