Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27
The purpose of this course is to explain the behaviour of steelwork connections and how this is translated into a wide range of design tools.
The fundamental concept is one of force paths, and how this applies to a wide range of different types of connections is the key feature of this course.
The course is assessed by three coursework assignments. Although the first two are standard designs, the third assignment is for a very non-standard detail which requires fundamental thinking about connection behaviour, and about the practical constraints that need to be accommodated.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the behaviour of steelwork connections that will equip the designer to safely and economically design connections of standard and non-standard configuration.
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the behaviour of steelwork connections that will equip the designer to safely and economically design connections of standard and non-standard configuration.
This course is delivered by Distance Learning, where the students will access the teaching content via the web in 5 blocks at 3 week intervals.
The course tutor will have scheduled times of delivery on the on-line forum, as well as contact via email.
Available by distance learning only. For students studying for MSc Oil & Gas Structural Engineering
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1st attempt: four coursework assignments (25, 25%, 20% and 30%).
Resit: The re-sit will comprise of re-doing the failed element/s (exam and/or coursework assessment/s) from the 1st attempt with a maximum CGS mark of D3. The marks for other elements (successfully passed) will be carried over. Resit mark of either RP or RF will be recorded.
There are no assessments for this course.
The course is assessed by three pieces of coursework, which will be returned to students with feedback comments via MyAberdeen.
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