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Last modified: 25 Mar 2016 11:38

Course Overview

This course provides opportunities to acquire advanced knowledge, understanding and skills in self evaluation and critical reflection of practice, collaborative working, professional learning and professional portfolio development. The course will help early career teachers to develop the confidence, knowledge, intellectual and practical skills required to take forward their practice in these areas. Participants will critically engage in professional reading, thinking, writing; engage in the process of self evaluation and reflect on impact of approaches used on self and others; engage in professional learning action planning; engage in and reflect on role and impact of collaborative learning on own learning.

Course Details

Study Type Postgraduate Level 5
Term First Term Credit Points 30 credits (15 ECTS credits)
Campus None. Sustained Study No
  • Mrs Roseanne Fitzpatrick

Qualification Prerequisites


What courses & programmes must have been taken before this course?

  • Education (ED) (Studied)
  • Any Postgraduate Programme (Studied)

What other courses must be taken with this course?


What courses cannot be taken with this course?


Are there a limited number of places available?


Course Description

Key course content includes: 

·         Concepts of reflection/evaluation in and on action and of reflection/evaluation leading to practice change.

·         Different levels of evaluation/reflection

·         Reflection/Evaluation tools (techniques) – principles and practices - why use/how to use effectively; reflections on use of techniques and impact on learning and professional practice eg

  • Reflective learning log/journal/blog
  • Audio/video diaries
  • Digital analysis of practice (including use of LOCIT system)
  • Critical journal of professional development
  • Audit tools (eg HMIe; Education Scotland)
  • Self evaluation to improve learning professional development pack
  • Critical incident analysis
  • Facilitated reflective group discussions
  • Using questions to shape reflection/evaluation
  • Co-coaching/mentoring and structured dialogue
  • Peer observation
  • Pupil voice
  • Professional autobiography
  • Portfolio of evidence for impact with reflective commentary

·           Engagement in Professional learning/learning communities - being a member of a professional learning community – ways of working – why, what, how, impact

·           Critical reflection (SFR)/self evaluation - skills/processes/tools

·           Evidence based reflective practice

·           Professional learning/development action planning, implementation and impact evaluation – rationale; approaches; learning logs; critical incident log;

·           Use of technology to support self evaluation of professional practice and impact evaluation of new practice interventions arising from professional learning;

·           Professional learning conversations;

·           Maintaining reflective learning journal; diary; log; blog

·           Unpacking the new Professional Standards

·           Portfolio Development – evidence gathering (eg learning logs; profiles; PDAPs; professional discussions; reflections on professional practice; CPD summaries and reflections)

·           Critical reading, thinking and reflections on related policy/research/other professional literature

·           Reflective Reporting 

Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

1st attempt: This course requires a peer presentation and the submission of a Reflective Report and supporting Portfolio of evidence that demonstrates enhanced professional practice as a teacher in terms of the SFR. The Portfolio will consist of evidence covering CPL/CPD matched to relevant standards in the SFR with a particular focus on those in participants CPL plan. The Reflective Report should highlight learning and professional growth through the activities outlined in the portfolio. Specific evidence submitted will include: • Peer presentation (equivalent to 2000 words) (f2f or virtual) of outcomes of PDAP/CPL plan – rationale, learning, impact, next steps – with supporting portfolio evidence • Reflective commentary (4000 words) • Supporting Professional Portfolio Resit: There will be one opportunity to resubmit the work completed, as revised, to take account of identified inadequacies in the original.

Formative Assessment

There are no assessments for this course.



Course Learning Outcomes


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