Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27
The course is in two parts, Portfolio Management and Programme Management.
The course teaches the Portfolio Management Process providing students with the knowledge and tools to understand why project selection, strategically aligned to corporate objectives, with the optimum mix of risk v reward is vital for an organisation’s success.
It further teaches all areas of Programme Management which helps an organisation to provide a framework for the co-ordination, management and control of all projects and business as usual activities that deliver benefits or outcomes from change.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Old Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The APM Glossary of Terms gives the following definitions:
Portfolio – A grouping of an organisation's projects, programmes and related business-as- usual activities taking into account resource constraints. Portfolios can be managed at an organisational, programme or functional level.
Portfolio Management - The selection and management of all of an organisation's projects, programmes and related operational activities taking into account resource constraints.
Programme - A group of related projects, which may include related business-as-usual activities that together achieve a beneficial change of a strategic nature for an organisation.
What is involved?
Portfolio Management involves:
Prioritising Programmes and
projects based on their business cases. Managing the impact of changing
Tracking progress against key outcomes.
Taking corrective action to maintain a cohesive and achievable portfolio.
To support the Portfolio
Management process it is necessary to collect in one place the pertinent
information about all the Programmes and projects in an organisation.
Portfolio Management does not in itself replace the leadership and management
of individual programmes and projects. However, it does provide an executive
view, which can be used
to re-prioritise and re-align projects as the organisation's business scenario
inevitably changes.
How does Portfolio Management relate to Programme and Project Management?
Portfolio Management has a
clear relationship but is also distinctly different from Programme
Management and Project Management.
A Portfolio is a suite of business projects (all business projects not just
those managed in the conventional projects environment), which are managed to
optimise their overall value to the organisation (or enterprise).
Programme Management is a structured group of projects, designed to produce
clearly identified business value.
Project Management is a structured set of activities concerned with delivering
a defined outcome, based on an agreed schedule and budget.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
There are two written assignments of approximately 2000 words followed by a three hour written examination where 4 questions from a possible six require to be answered. Each Assignment is worth 25% of the total marks with the examination worth 50%.
There are no assessments for this course.
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