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PU5009: EPIDEMIOLOGY (2014-2015)

Last modified: 28 Jun 2018 10:27

Course Overview

This course gives an introduction to disease measurement at a population level, basic epidemiological study design and analysis, and provides an understanding of key methodological issues to consider when designing – or appraising – an epidemiological study.

Course Details

Study Type Postgraduate Level 5
Term First Term Credit Points 10 credits (5 ECTS credits)
Campus None. Sustained Study No
  • Dr Gareth Jones

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Are there a limited number of places available?


Course Description

At the end of the course, the student will:

·         Understand the concept of causation; how this differs at a population, versus individual, level; and the difference between a ‘simple’ association and a ‘causal’ association;

·         Understand different measures of disease occurrence;

·         Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of different epidemiological study designs; understand when to use them; and the appropriate analytic approach in each case;

·         Understand different methodological considerations in epidemiological investigations, including: validity, reliability, bias and confounding; and

·         Have developed skills in critical appraisal and interpretation of epidemiological research.

Topics to be covered in the course include:

·         Causality and associations  /  Measures of disease occurrence  /  Study design  and analysis  /  Populations  /  Sampling  /  Validity and reliability  /  Sensitivity and specificity  /  Bias and confounding  /  Critical appraisal.

The course will be taught in thirteen sessions, delivered over nine weeks.  There will be regular homework exercises to consolidate teaching from the lectures.

As is required at Masters Level, knowledge and regurgitation of the facts delivered in the lectures is not sufficient to warrant a pass and students will have to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and subject areas that are explained.  Students should take responsibility for their own learning: while the lectures outline the main theoretical and epidemiological principles, thereafter students are expected to expand on this with further reading – either from the recommended textbooks, or from other epidemiology literature / papers, as detailed in the lectures.  The course assumes an incremental learning approach, with each lecture building on knowledge gained in previous weeks.  It is important, therefore, that any student missing a week should catch up before the next.  For most lectures, slides will be available in advance, and podcasts of the lectures will be available (depending on available technology in the teaching rooms).  Students are strongly advised to take advantage of both of these facilities, and to do so in a timely fashion.

Further Information & Notes

Reading material / references

Recommended text

1.       AJ Silman, GJ Macfarlane (Eds.): Epidemiological studies: a practical guide (2nd edition).  Cambridge University Press.

Other textbooks (more advanced reading)

2.       B McMahon, TF Pugh, D Trichopoulos (Eds.): Epidemiology: principles and methods.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

3.       JL Kelsey, AS Whittemore, AS Evans, W Thompson: Methods in observational epidemiology (Monographs in epidemiology and biostatistics).  Oxford University Press Inc, USA.

4.       C Hennekens, J Buring: Epidemiology in medicine.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

5.       KJ Rothman: Epidemiology: an Introduction.  Oxford University Press Inc, USA.

6.       KJ Rothman, S Greenland (Eds.): Modern epidemiology.  Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

7.       DG Kleinbaum: Epidemiologic research: principles and quantitative methods.  John Wiley & Sons Inc.

 Student consultations

The Epidemiology Group teaching staff do not operate an ‘open door’ policy.  However, there are regular and advertised ‘clinic’ sessions, for any student who wishes to make an appointment about any aspect of the course content.  Students who wish to make an appointment should e-mail the Epidemiology Group secretary in the first instance:

Contact Teaching Time

Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.

Teaching Breakdown

More Information about Week Numbers

Details, including assessments, may be subject to change until 30 August 2024 for 1st term courses and 20 December 2024 for 2nd term courses.

Summative Assessments

The course will be assessed by two methods:- Coursework assignment - students will be required to produce a 1000 word report, outlining a research proposal for an epidemiological study. The assignment will be worth 25% of the mark for the total course. Formal examination - students will be required to sit a formal exam, worth 75% of the mark for the total course.

Formative Assessment

There are no assessments for this course.



Course Learning Outcomes


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