Last modified: 25 Sep 2019 09:58
The course provides a background to the role of the law in regulating the management and use of the countryside. As such there is an emphasis on planning law and the role of the planning system at national and local levels in terms of development management and development plans. It also covers landscape and nature conservation, access legislation, community right to buy, EIA, tenancy agreements, agricultural holdings legislation, rent reviews and CPO powers.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | First Term | Credit Points | 15 credits (7.5 ECTS credits) |
Campus | Aberdeen | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
Sorry, we don't have a record of any course coordinators. |
This course covers the following areas of law relevant to rural surveying and land management:
the institutional context and the preparation of development plans, planning law;
development management;
Public inquiries
Planning conditions and agreements;
Landscape and nature conservation and the protection of flora and fauna;
The ownership and transfer of land;
Contract and professional negligence;
Agricultural holdings legislation;
The Land Reform Scotland Act and Environmental Impact Assessment
Compulsory Purchase Orders/ Compensation Claims
Professional Negligence and Rent Reviews
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 60 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
Feedback |
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
Assessment Type | Summative | Weighting | 40 | |
Assessment Weeks | Feedback Weeks | |||
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Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
There are no assessments for this course.
Knowledge Level | Thinking Skill | Outcome |
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