Last modified: 15 Jul 2019 10:37
This course aims to allow students to bring together their knowledge, learning and understanding gathered from across the modules studied. Students are required to choose an appropriate topic, and place it in the context of an appropriate body of literature and identify key concepts, ideas and definitions pertaining to the topic and its development. Students will select appropriate methodology to support the paper and organize empirical and theoretical material observing relevant academic conventions. The work will present a logical and cogent argument in support of conclusions drawn from material consulted.
Study Type | Postgraduate | Level | 5 |
Term | Second Term | Credit Points | 30 credits (15 ECTS credits) |
Campus | None. | Sustained Study | No |
Co-ordinators |
The aim of this course is to allow students to bring together their knowledge, learning and understanding gathered from across the modules studied during the taught programmes. The specific objectives of the course are to facilitate and assess students in: - Choose an appropriate topic for a Critical Studies paper - Place the topic in the context of an appropriate body of literature - Identify key concepts, ideas and definitions pertaining to the topic and its development - Select appropriate methodology to support the pitch of the Paper - Organise empirical an theoretical material observing the relevant academic conventions - Present a logical and cogent argument in support of conclusions drawn from material presented - Identify and acknowledge elements in the argument that are less certain or needing more supporting evidence - Handle concerns and objections positively and assertively - Gain experience of amending and rewriting material according to guidance from a Supervisor - Be able to defend the Paper in reasoned argument and debate The course will be presented in 2 two-hour lectures offering the guidelines for writing a Critical Studies Paper. There will follow 4 one-hour sessions with the Supervisor or e-mailed attachments of written drafts which will be corrected and amended by the student before proceeding to the next section or draft. The Critical Studies Paper will be 7,000 words in length and assessment will be made under the following criteria: - Overall lay-out and presentation - Adherence to the word limit and section guidelines - Communication skill - Focus of the argument through the Paper - Adequacy of the literature drawn on in the Paper - Critical and analytical ability demonstrated throughout the arguments offered in the Paper - Style of writing, grammar and spelling - Academic conventions used in correct referencing throughout the Paper and in its Bibliography
Please note that this course will not run during 2011/12.
Information on contact teaching time is available from the course guide.
1) CSP research proposal 25% (1500 words); and 2) a critical study paper 75% (3500 words)
There are no assessments for this course.
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