
In this section

Our Erasmus exchange partners and course details (including the language of instruction) are listed below. It is also possible to do an Erasmus exchange at a University that is not listed as a partner for Psychology but that we do have a partnership with in another department or at a university-wide level. If you would like to complete such an exchange, please note that it is your responsibility to contact the Erasmus Coordinator at that University and make the necessary enquiries and arrangements. Specifically, you will need to identify suitable replacement courses covering the content of the courses you would have taken in Aberdeen.


  • Exchange is only possible in Year 2 of study due to BPS accreditation requirements.
  • The academic threshold is an overall B2 average with no D-level marks.

Course selection while abroad:

  • Unless you are fluent in the language of the host country, you will need to take courses taught in English. Please check the universities' webpages for more up-to-date information or get in touch with an Erasmus coordinator at that University. (Please note that the university service culture can be quite different at other institutions. Be aware that you might not receive the same degree of responsiveness and accommodation to your needs that you would receive at Aberdeen.)
  • Please be aware that you need to pass each course while abroad to receive the corresponding course credit in Aberdeen. Course requirements may be different and pass/fail rates may be different from Aberdeen.
  • You must be able to take one or more Research Methods and Statistics courses. Ideally, statistics should be taught in English.

For additional information about the Erasmus Exchange application process or practical queries, contact the Erasmus office . For questions about your program of study during exchange, contact the Erasmus coordinator in Psychology, Dr. Mingyuan Chu .


University of Graz

This exchange is only possible for a full year and only if you are fluent in German.


University of Osnabrück

This exchange option is only possible for a full year and only if you are fluent in German.


Leiden University

This exchange option is only possible for a full year or the second semester. Students must take the following courses:

Full year:

  • Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics (6461PS004)
  • Inferential Statistics (6461PS006)
  • Cognitive Psychology (6461PS011)
  • Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology (6461PS005)
  • Attention: Theory and Practice (6461PS021)
  • Experimental and Correlational Research (6461PS009)
  • Social and Organisational Psychology (6461PS008)
  • Biopsychology and Neuropsychology (6461PS010)
  • Developmental and Educational Psychology (6461PS007)

Second semester:

  • Experimental and Correlational Research (6461PS009)
  • Social and Organisational Psychology (6461PS008)
  • Pharmacological and Biological Approaches to Clinical and Health Psychology (6463PS025)
  • Biopsychology and Neuropsychology (6461PS010)
  • Developmental and Educational Psychology (6461PS007)


University of Bergen

This exchange option is only possible for the full year or the first semester. Students must take the following courses:

Full year:

  • Quantitative methods as the basis for psychological science (PSYCH301A)
  • Cognitive Psychology (PSYCH305A)
  • Personnel Psychology (PSYK106)
  • Medical Health Psychology (PSYCH303)
  • Cognitive Neuroscience (MAPSYK319INT)
  • Developmental Psychology (PSYCH302A)

First semester:

  • Quantitative methods as the basis for psychological science (PSYCH301A)
  • Cognitive Psychology (PSYCH305A)
  • Personnel Psychology (PSYK106)