- Industry
We have close links with the aviation industry. Our research looks at the factors which promote safety in helicopter crews (e.g. Bristow , CHC Helicopters ).
We work with partners in farming, such as the Farm Safety Foundation , to better understand farm safety and provide training through the agriculture training provided, Lantra .
- Healthcare
We have developed new techniques to improve visual rehabilitation after stroke, working with SightScience and NovaVision .
We have collaborated with TauRx pharmaceuticals to develop novel diagnostics for dementia.
We collaborate with colleagues in the NHS to research perceptual, cognitive and emotional changes associated with brain illnesses: in particular the NHS Grampian Neurology and Neuropsychology departments.
- Government
We have worked with Police Scotland to understand the attentional demands of CCTV surveillance.
Our colour vision testing system is used by the emergency services to perform specialised occupational assessment.
We advise the Australian Passport Office on issues concerning facial recognition.
- Engaging the public
We have regularly organised exhibitions at the Aberdeen Science Centre and have contributed to TechFest , Explorathon , May Festival , Café Scientifique , Pechakcuka Aberdeen , and the British Science Festival .
We co-organise the Aberdeenshire Philosophy Café to promote discussion and reflection about problems and solutions in everyday life.
- Training
We provide research-led training through our online applied psychology courses , funded by the Scottish Funding Council . These provide a platform to upskill local, national and international workers in fields such as non-technical skills, mental health and bias in the workplace.