Participant Panel

Lab to Life | Research to Reality

Interested in taking part in Psychological Research?

Participant Panel

The School maintains a public Participant Panel to assist with various research projects. It is made up of members of the general public who are interested in taking part in psychological research and agreed to be contacted about future studies. If you are interested in joining the panel (and you are at least 18 years old), please read through the information below and sign up online.

Our researchers use a wide range of methodologies to study the complex dynamics of brain and mind, exploring, among other things, how we see, remember, learn, and interact with each other. Some studies are carried out online and you’ll be able to participate from the comfort of your home. Others will involve coming into the University to complete a set of tasks or to participate in a focus group and share your thoughts and experiences. There is usually a monetary compensation for your time. When you are contacted about participation you will be given all the information about the study (how long it takes, what it involves). You can decline to take part in any study, and it will not affect your status as a Participant Panel member.  

The Participant Panel operates within strict Data Protection rules. All researchers with access to the Participant Panel undergo Data Protection Awareness training. When a researcher at the School of Psychology needs participants for their study, they will obtain ethical approval to contact the members of the panel and will then be able to request details of prospective participants in line with the requirements of their project. Data is handled in line with General Data Protection Regulations: it is held securely and not passed onto anyone other than those directly involved in the research. You can always remove your details from the Panel by emailing us.  

Examples of Studies Carried at the School of Psychology

Why does this matter?

It may not seem so at first, but your contribution to our research is invaluable. It is simply impossible to complete a psychological study without the help of participants. While student volunteers are a valuable resource, the scope and depth of our research would be significantly limited without the participation of the local community. As psychologists, we are dedicated to including people from diverse backgrounds and with broad range of experiences in our research to ensure our conclusions don’t overlook anyone. The data you help produce is transformed into knowledge about human mind and brain, which, over time, has the potential to effect meaningful change in society.

How will I be contacted?

You will normally be contacted by email or telephone. The person contacting you will always identify themselves as belonging to the School of Psychology at the University.

How often will I be contacted?

It depends on the number of studies being conducted, and the recruitment criteria for those studies. It is unlikely you will be contacted more often than every few months.

How much of my time will it take?

Each study is different. Most often an individual study will take around two hours of your time. For some studies there might be more than one session involved. You will be given information about the study and the time commitment involved when the researcher contacts you. You can decline to take part in any study you are contacted about. If you do want to take part, the researcher will arrange an appointment that is convenient for you.

Who should I ask if I have any questions?

Please contact the Research Administrator Catherine Sutherland by email at If Catherine cannot address your query, she will pass you onto the correct person to do so.

Important links and documents

Information leaflet 

Privacy Statement 

Sign-up form