Professor C Macrae

Professor C Macrae
Professor C Macrae
Professor C Macrae

Chair in Psychology

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 272245
Office Address

School of Psychology
William Guild Building (Room F6)
King's College
Old Aberdeen
AB24 3FX

School of Psychology

Internal Memberships

  • School Research Committee
  • School REF Steering Committee
  • Social Cognition Theme Leader

Current Research

  • social cognition
  • person perception
  • self

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Level 3: Social Psychology
  • Level 4: The Social Mind

Page 11 of 20 Results 101 to 110 of 198

  • Self-memory biases in explicit and incidental encoding of trait adjectives

    Turk, D. J., Cunningham, S., Macrae, N.
    Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1040-1045
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Faces, flowers and football boots: Capacity limits in distractor processing

    Brebner, J. L., Macrae, C. N.
    Cognition, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 718-728
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Female sexual orientation and menstrual influences on person perception

    Brinsmead-Stockham, K., Johnston, L., Miles, L., Macrae, N.
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 729-734
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Perspective-taking from a social neuroscience standpoint

    Mason, M. F., Macrae, C. N.
    Group Processes & Intergroup Relations: GPIR, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 215-232
    Contributions to Journals: Literature Reviews
  • Repetition suppression of ventromedial prefrontal activity during judgments of self and others

    Jenkins, A. C., Macrae, C. N., Mitchell, J. P.
    PNAS, vol. 105, no. 11, pp. 4507-4512
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The feeling of choosing: Self-involvement and the cognitive status of things past

    Cloutier, J., Macrae, C. N.
    Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 125-135
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Yours or mine? Ownership and memory

    Cunningham, S. J., Turk, D. J., Macdonald, L. M., Macrae, N.
    Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 312-318
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Extracting variant and invariant information from faces: The neural substrates of gaze detection and sex categorization

    Cloutier, J., Turk, D. J., Macrae, C. N.
    Social Neuroscience, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 69-78
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Who or what are you?: Facial orientation and person construal

    Cloutier, J., Macrae, C. N.
    European Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1298-1309
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Priming

    Cunningham, S., Macrae, N.
    Encyclopedia of social psychology. Baumeister, R. F., Vohs, K. D. (eds.). Sage Publications
    Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Show 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 results per page


Books and Reports

Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Journals