![Dr Agnieszka Konopka Dr Agnieszka Konopka](https://www.abdn.ac.uk/img/200x200/staffpages/uploads/s01ak5/AK_pic.jpg)
- About
- Email Address
- agnieszka.konopka@abdn.ac.uk
- Telephone Number
- +44 (0)1224 273210
- Office Address
School of Psychology
G33, William Guild Building
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen, AB24 2UB- School/Department
- School of Psychology
Memberships and Affiliations
- Internal Memberships
SONA and research participation coordinator
- External Memberships
Associate Editor at Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Editorial Board at Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, Applied Psycholinguistics
- Research
Research Overview
Language production, message formulation, sentence formulation, incrementality and flexibility in language processing, cross-linguistic differences in language processing, linguistic diversity, bilingualism, language and though, implicit learning, syntax, memory for language, source memory, forgetting, metacognition
Research Areas
Accepting PhDs
I am currently accepting PhDs in Psychology.
Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.
Accepting PhDsCurrent Research
My research addresses questions in language production and memory for language.
In my work on language production, I focus on incrementality and flexibility in message and sentence formulation. For example, when describing a simple event, how do speakers "plan" what to say and how to say it? How are message-level and sentence-level processes shaped by learning? I approach these questions by studying how speakers plan messages and sentences of varying complexity and in different languages.
In my work on memory for language, I examine native and non-native speakers' memory for simple sentences. Bridging the gap between research on bilingual sentence processing and reconstructive memory, I examine how the process of learning a language changes how we remember information presented in this language. - Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities
Memory & Language
Methodology B
MRes programme
- Publications
Page 1 of 1 Results 1 to 67 of 67
Social category modulation of the happy face advantage
Personality and Social Psychology BulletinContributions to Journals: ArticlesInvestigating cross-cultural vocal emotion recognition with an affectively and linguistically balanced design
Language and SpeechContributions to Journals: ArticlesEffects of event participant preview and patient animacy in sentence production: A cross-linguistic comparison between English and Russian
Discourse ProcessesContributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2024.2433896
Intergroup processes and the happy face advantage: How social categories influence emotion categorization
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 390-412Contributions to Journals: ArticlesGrammatical Encoding for Speech Production
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 75 pagesBooks and Reports: BooksSpeaking in the Brain: The Interaction between Words and Syntax in Sentence Production
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 1466-1483Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01563
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Triggered codeswitching: Lexical processing and conversational dynamics
Bilingualism, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 295-308Contributions to Journals: ArticlesEncoding actions and verbs: Tracking the timecourse of relational encoding during message and sentence formulation
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, vol. 45, no. 8, pp. 1486-1510Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1037/xlm0000650
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/10679/1/Konopka_2018_Encoding_actions_verbs.pdf
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
- [ONLINE] View publication in Mendeley
Assessing priming for prosodic representations: Speaking rate, intonational phrase boundaries, and pitch accenting
Memory & Cognition, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 625-641Contributions to Journals: ArticlesPlanning to speak in L1 and L2
Cognitive Psychology, vol. 102, pp. 72-104Contributions to Journals: ArticlesPresenting the Bangor Autoglosser and the Bangor Automated Clause-Splitter
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 21-28Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqw065
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Accessibility of referent information influences sentence planning: An eye-tracking study
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 8, no. FEB, 250Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00250
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/8368/1/fpsyg_08_00250.pdf
- [ONLINE] View publication in Scopus
Accessibility of Referent Information Influences Sentence Planning: An Eye-Tracking Study
Contributions to Conferences: PapersProsodic encoding of information structure in mandarin Chinese: Evidence from picture description task
Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech Prosody, vol. 2016, no. January, pp. 726-730Contributions to Journals: ArticlesHow message similarity shapes the timecourse of sentence formulation
Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 84, pp. 1-23Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2015.04.003
Processes of incremental message planning during conversation
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 833-843Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-014-0714-2
Planning sentences in L1 and L2
Contributions to Conferences: PapersPreparing to speak in L1 and L2
CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference (2015)Contributions to Conferences: PostersVision and language in cross-linguistic research on sentence production
Attention and Vision in Language Processing. Mishra, R., Srinivasan, N., Huettig, F. (eds.). Springer, pp. 77-96, 20 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-81-322-2443-3
Word order affects the time course of sentence formulation in Tzeltal
Language cognition and neuroscience, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 1187-1208Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2015.1006238
What the eyes say about planning of focused referents during sentence formulation: a cross-linguistic investigation
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 5, 1124Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01124
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/4843/1/fpsyg_05_01124.pdf
Priming sentence planning
Cognitive Psychology, vol. 73, pp. 1-40Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogpsych.2014.04.001
Can intonational phrase structure be primed (like syntactic structure)?
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 348-363Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1037/a0034900
Message formulation and structural assembly: Describing "easy" and "hard" events with preferred and dispreferred syntactic structures
Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 71, pp. 124-144Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2013.11.001
Corpus evidence of the triggering effect of cognates on code-switching in Welsh-English bilinguals
Contributions to Conferences: PapersEye-tracking evidence from sentence production in Tagalog
Contributions to Conferences: PapersFocus planning during sentence production
International Seminar on Speech ProductionContributions to Conferences: PostersHow language mediates the creation of false memories
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2014)Contributions to Conferences: PostersIndividual differences in lexical retrieval speed predict differences in the timecourse of sentence formulation
10th International Language Production WorkshopContributions to Conferences: PostersMessage encoding
The Oxford Handbook of Language Production. Ferreira, V., Goldrick, M., Miozzo, M. (eds.). Oxford University Press, pp. 3-20, 18 pagesChapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersPrediction gone wrong: A mouse-tracking study in sentence comprehension
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2014)Contributions to Conferences: PostersPriming prosody: Speech rate and boundary placement
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2014)Contributions to Conferences: PostersSpeaking in context: Discourse influences formulation of simple sentences
CUNY Human Sentence Processing Conference (2014)Contributions to Conferences: PostersTop-down context effects on sentence production
Contributions to Conferences: PapersDependencies first: eye tracking evidence from sentence production in Tagalog
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Conference ProceedingsDiscourse changes the timecourse of sentence formulation
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2013)Contributions to Conferences: PostersDoes message similarity facilitate sentence formulation?
Contributions to Conferences: PapersIs it better to serve a meal than to serve a banquet?: Syntactic flexibility and the effects of lexical context on language production
12th Psycholinguistics in Flanders ConferenceContributions to Conferences: PostersMemory for non-native language: the role of lexical processing in the retention of surface form
Memory, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 537-544Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2012.746371
Structure selection during sentence production: a role for executive control?
Human Sentence Processing ConferenceContributions to Conferences: PostersTypology and planning scope in sentence production: eye-tracking evidence from Tzeltal and Tagalog
Contributions to Conferences: PapersWord order affects the timecourse of sentence formulation in Tzeltal
Contributions to Conferences: PapersMapping “easy” and “hard” messages onto language: conceptual and structural variables jointly affect the timecourse of sentence formulation
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2012)Contributions to Conferences: PostersRelative clause processing: linking clause frequency and reading experience
11th Psycholinguistics in Flanders ConferenceContributions to Conferences: PostersEffects of speech rate and practice on the allocation of visual attention in multiple object naming
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 3, 39Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00039
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/5597/1/fpsyg_03_00039.pdf
Planning ahead: how recent experience with structures and words changes the scope of linguistic planning
Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 143-162Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2011.08.003
Predictors of sequential object naming: visual layout and working memory capacity
Contributions to Conferences: PapersCan prosody be primed?
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (2011)Contributions to Conferences: PostersEffects of lexical and structural priming on sentence formulation
Contributions to Conferences: PapersPlanning messages and sentences with familiar perceptual and syntactic structures
European Society for Cognitive PsychologyContributions to Conferences: PostersExperimental approaches to referential domains and the on-line processing of referring expressions in unscripted conversation
Information, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 302-326Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/info2020302
- [OPEN ACCESS] http://aura.abdn.ac.uk/bitstream/2164/5436/1/information_02_00302.pdf
Prosodic persistence in language production
CUNY Human Sentence Processing (2011)Contributions to Conferences: PostersExperience with a sentence structure modulates planning strategies: an eye-tracking experiment
13th Winter Conference of the Dutch Psychonomic SocietyContributions to Conferences: PostersWhy the lexical boost dwindles
13th Winter Conference of the Dutch Psychonomic SocietyContributions to Conferences: PostersLooking ahead: variability in planning scope for complex noun phrases – evidence from eye-tracking
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language ProcessingContributions to Conferences: PostersVariability in the scope of planning for simple and complex noun phrases: effects of experience with messages, structures, and words
CUNY Human Sentence Processing (2009)Contributions to Conferences: PostersLexical or syntactic control of sentence formulation?: Structural generalizations from idiom production
Cognitive Psychology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 68-101Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogpsych.2008.05.002
Schematic knowledge changes what judgments of learning predict in a source memory task
Memory & Cognition, vol. 37, pp. 42-51Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.3758/MC.37.1.42
Little houses and casas pequenas: Message formulation and syntactic form in unscripted speech with speakers of English and Spanish
Cognition, vol. 109, no. 2, pp. 274-280Contributions to Journals: Articles- [ONLINE] DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2008.07.011
Can non-native speakers outperform native speakers in memory for language?
Northwest Cognition and MemoryContributions to Conferences: PostersLexical or syntactic control of sentence formulation? Structural generalizations from idiom production
CUNY Human Sentence Processing (2008)Contributions to Conferences: PostersContinuous updating of the message during unscripted language production: Evidence from simple noun phrases in English and Spanish
CUNY Human Sentence ProcessingContributions to Conferences: PostersEffects of knowledge on the relationship between judgments-of-learning (JOLs) and memory for items and sources
Psychonomic SocietyContributions to Conferences: PostersSyntactic priming of phrasal verb syntax in 2.5 year-old children
Contributions to Conferences: PapersHelping syntax out: How much do words do?
Contributions to Conferences: PapersSpoken language production
The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Brown, K. (ed.), pp. 103-112Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: ChaptersSyntactic priming of idiomatic and non-idiomatic phrasal verbs
Contributions to Conferences: Papers