On Friday the 7th of June we organised an event at the University of Aberdeen to forge stronger links with the local community and discuss our research on ageing. 30 people from the School of Psychology contributed to the event and over 100 people signed up to attend from a wide range of community groups, charities, local government and health and social care settings. Members of our research participant panel came along, as well as colleagues from other parts of the University. This event was sponsored by the Dunhill Medical Trust who have recently funded three multidisciplinary PhDs at the University of Aberdeen looking into ways to improve well-being in old age.We presented information about our research and got lots of incredibly useful ideas and feedback to help shape our research for the future. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Please get in touch by email with Professor Louise Phillips if you have any further ideas on how to shape ageing research.
The event was organised by School of Psychology's Professor Louise Phillips, Lucy Halamova, Maria Nygaard & Hio Tong Pang.