IDPerson |
Unique Person ID |
Pol |
Gender |
Vozrast |
Age |
Rmarits |
Unmarried male, unmarried female, married male, married female, widower, widow, divorced male, divorced female |
Rrelate |
A standardized and coded representation of relationship to the household head coded by international codes |
RNats |
A standardized and coded representation of national identity - different than from the houshold level |
Occup1 |
The first listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
Occup2 |
The second listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
Occup3 |
The third listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
Occup4 |
The fourth listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
Occup5 |
The fifth listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
Occup6 |
The sixth listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
Occup7 |
The seventh listed occupation coded with international HIST codes |
OccupALL |
Coded occupations listed vertically |