Electrical Systems and Electronics

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Electrical Systems and Electronics

The Electrical Systems and Electronics Research Group advances fundamental knowledge and is at the forefront of developing innovative applications across the spectrum of engineering. It enjoys an international reputation and profile, which spans the development of new semiconductor devices and laser components for holographic cameras to techniques for high power DC transmission; design of algorithms for subsea sensor networks; the engineering of new Internet transport mechanisms and the design and control of novel robotic platforms.

World-leading research in Internet Engineering is defining new transport technologies for the modern Internet. The diversity of network characteristics make this a challenging engineering topic. Our research has impacted both the way networks are designed and the ways they are operated, setting new standards for transport protocols and network architecture, where the group contributes to the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Research in mechatronics, robotics, and control is leading development for precision positioning systems, active vibration isolation, within the Artificial Intelligence, Robotics And mechatronic systems (ARMS) group. This combines machine learning, non-linear and control, industrial robotics, soft robotics platforms, and bioengineering applications.

Research in optronics is developing instruments for subsea applications, including digital holography (see our EEE Research Booklet) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). We are currently building the world's smallest and lightest pulsed digital holographic camera to enable fast image extraction from the recorded holograms. Theoretical research is exploring coherent detection for optical fibre transmission, modelling hollow fibres and developing ultra-short pulses in silicon waveguides for integrated chips used to fabricate compact optical systems.

Research is leading the design and analysis of power systems and power electronics. Research within the High Voltage DC (HVDC) Centre includes power electronics applications to transmission systems such as HVDC transmission and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), with projects developing new technologies for high power DC transformers, DC and circuit breakers.

We have a strong track record of engagement with the industry, both through collaborative multinational projects (e.g. the EC Framework programme, European Space Agency ARTES programmes) and industrial funding. Support from industry, both local and international, shapes our research and stimulates research into new topics from modelling and experimentation with new techniques, to design of new systems and evaluation of the deployment of prototype technologies.

Activities by members of the research group include many inter-related and multi-disciplinary topics including:

  • Design, layout and simulation of electronics systems
  • Next generation laser systems for medical and biological applications
  • Internet engineering and large-scale network measurement
  • Satellite Internet broadband for rural communities
  • High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission for next generation distribution grids
  • Imaging processing and subsea holographic cameras
  • Design, building and characterisation of bio-inspired, soft robotic platforms
  • Data mining research, machine learning, and industrial applications of big data.

A summary of research activities can be found in our EEE Research Booklet.