For scheduled courses, go to , find the course, click book, you will be sent a confirmation email with an attached ics file. If you open this attachment, it will set a reminder in your Outlook calendar.
See our scheduled courses in Upcoming Courses and How to Book . If the course is not scheduled, you can find information on possible dates in the drop-downs below.
If you need to cancel your booking, please do so at your earliest opportunity and at least 48 hours before the event, in line with the University Course Booking Policy . This will allow people on the waiting list to take your place and will help facilitators plan the session accordingly.
For more information, please contact the Training and Development Team at
- 3 Minute Thesis Information Session
- Academic Integrity and how to avoid Plagiarism in your PhD Thesis
- Analysing Qualitative Data: Introduction to NVivo
- Assertiveness Skills: How to Handle Challenging Conversations to Achieve your Goals
- Conference Presentations
- Dealing with Constructive Feedback and Peer Review PGR
- Editing for your Reader: Constructing and Punctuating Sentences
- Editing for your Reader: Spelling, Paragraph Structure and Constructing an Argument
- Editing for your Reader: Writing a Summary and Paraphrasing
- Impact from Research
- Interviewing for your First Job After the PhD
- Introduction to Early Career Fellowships
- Introduction to LaTeX
- Living in Scotland
- The PhD Journey Sessions: Stage 1: Getting Started with your PhD
- The PhD Journey Sessions: Stage 2: Managing the Middle Stage of your PhD
- The PhD Journey Sessions: Stage 3: To the Finish Line, and Beyond
- My PhD: Where am I Now and Where am I Going Next?
- Preparing for your Viva
- Presentation Skills: Building Confidence
- Presentation Skills: Storytelling
- Presentation Skills: Structure
- Presentation Skills: Voice and Body Language
- Public Engagement: What Is it and Why to Do it?
- Thinking Critically about your PhD
- Tips and Advice for more Productive Academic Writing
- Working with your Supervisor (for PhD Year 1)
- Writing a Literature Review