Code of Practice for Research Degrees

Code of Practice for Research Degrees

The Code of Practice sets out the University's expectations and responsibilities for institution-wide standards relating to all research degrees. It provides guidance and practical advice for postgraduate researchers, their supervisors and key people involved in the postgraduate research journey, with the aim of supporting postgraduate researchers to have a fulfilling and high-quality experience. This Code applies to all research degrees in all Schools, and across all modes and locations of study.

The Code of Practice for Research Degrees is available in the PGR section of the Academic Quality Handbook.

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: General degree information, Admissions and Registration.

Explains the structure and requirements for a research degree award and provides guidance on the admission and registration processes.

Section 3: PGR Governance

Explains the University's PGR governance structures responsible for driving PGR strategic vision and the management and reporting structures in place to ensure excellence in postgraduate research degree programmes and experiences.

Section 4: Academic Integrity

Explains the standards, expectations and processes in place to ensure researchers comply with all external regulatory and legislative requirements, including guidance on ethical approval.

Section 5: PGR Support services

Provides an overview of the support processes, key teams and community and networks in place to support a student, their research and their wellbeing during their research degree.

Section 6: The Supervisory Relationship

Explains the requirements and responsibilities of the supervisory team, including expectations on students, lead and co- supervisors and supervisory meetings.

Section 7: Postgraduate Researcher Development

Explains and details training requirements and support for PGR development

Section 8: Postgraduate Researcher Progression and Engagement

Explains the PGR timelines, engagement requirements and progress review processes in place to support a PGR to progress as would be expected for the award of a research degree.

Section 9: Annual Leave, Absences and Changes to Terms of Study

Explains the processes in place for a PGR to take leave (annual leave and sickness absence) and request changes to their research degree conditions, including suspensions, extensions, off-campus and withdrawal.

Section 10. Preparation and Submission of a Thesis

Explains the requirements, standards and processes for thesis preparation and submission.

Section 11: The Examination Procedure

Explains the roles, requirements and processes for thesis examination and graduation. Also outlines the appeals and complaints procedure.

  • roles and responsibilities of the student, the supervisors and the School
  • formal aspects of the progress of research students
  • writing up, submission of thesis and examination
  • resolving problems
  • appeals
  • plagiarism and cheating